Thoughts For The Week - Generational Blessings We hear a lot - TopicsExpress


Thoughts For The Week - Generational Blessings We hear a lot about generational curse but theres something called a generational blessing. The Scripture says we can store up mercy for our children and future generations. Every right choice we make we’re making it easier on those that come after us, when we live a life of excellence and integrity, being our best, helping others, those are seeds that will not only make our life fuller and more rewarding but our children and grandchildren will be better off because of the way we live. No person lives or dies under himself the choices we are making will affect our family line for generations to come. Our children have enough things to overcome without having to deal with our negative baggage, our life can either be a stepping stone for our family to go higher or a stumbling block that causes them to struggle. Negative things may have been passed down to you but God raised you up to put an end into it, you can be a difference maker. Is there anything you’re doing that’s going to cause your children to say thank you daddy? Are you sowing seeds of kindness, are you being a blessing? Are you putting an end to negative things that have been passed down? There are some seeds that you sow, some people that you are helping but you may not reap the fullness of that harvest, God has designed it for your children and your grandchildren that is a generational blessing. You didn’t get to where you are by yourself somebody prayed, somebody made sacrifices somebody sowed a seed of kindness and you got that good break. You thought you were lucky, was it a coincidence, No! It happened because you had a praying mother, a praying father, you had a grandfather that was always helping people, a great-grandfather you never met but he sacrificed, he persevered, now you are reaping from those seeds. It is easy to think well ‘I am successful because I am smart, I have a good life because I work hard, because I am talented’, yes thats true in part but you didn’t do it all on your own, you are smart because you have the wisdom of your fathers, it was passed down to you because your mother and grandmother worked hard to develop their gifts, they took time to teach you, to build your confidence. You got that good break, that promotion, that new house not because those people just decided to be nice to you it is because somebody in your family line honored God, it may have been 100 years ago they stored up mercy and now youre reaping the benefits. My challenge to us is to live your life in such a way that you cause others to win. Every wise choice you make, every time you resist temptation you are winning for your children, every time you help others, you come to church, give, serve, you are storing up favor it may be for your children, grandchildren or even years down the road somebody in your family line will see Gods goodness because of the way you live. The Old Testament talks about the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They understood the power of the generational blessing. When you need favor or breakthrough you can say ‘God my father honored you, I honor you and my son honors you, that gets Gods attention. You may have to start this for your family or your role might be to keep it going for your family. Your parents and grandparents honor God, are you going to break it or are you going to make it more difficult on your children? Dont drop the ball too much is at stake here, they work too hard to get you to where you are, with the decisions you make, your children and future generations are either going to be better off further down the road or they are going to have to struggle and try to overcome things that you can defeat right now. God will always show you further than you can go. He will give you a vision that you may not be able to accomplish only in your lifetime, a generational vision. Some of the things you’re dreaming about that you see, God put that in your heart so you could lay the foundation. Pray, believe, stretch, do your best but don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t all come to pass. It’s for your children; just as you received generational blessings, favor and increase that you didn’t work for, you are also sowing seeds for generational blessings for others coming after you.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 22:06:56 +0000

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