Thoughts? For strategies for liberation for all? ..Therefore, - TopicsExpress


Thoughts? For strategies for liberation for all? ..Therefore, this is not an invitation to dismiss all vegans and animal rights activists as supporters of the Israeli occupation, for that is simply untrue. Rather, we must revisit and reanalyze our political stances and political alliances to evaluate our potential for success, for liberation. To view all animal rights activists as Yourofsky supporters would be to eliminate a promising avenue for coalition building. More importantly, discarding avenues for collaboration between these struggles would support and execute the exact goals of the vegan-washing campaign in de-linking and isolating movements with the potential to collaborate. On the other hand, it is the duty of conscious intersectional animal liberationists to acknowledge the massive hypocrisy embedded in supporting the Israeli vegan movement. The reduction of violence against one group, animals, cannot and should not be deemed a success while ongoing violence against another group, Palestinians, goes uncriticized on a daily basis. Intersectional animal liberation activists that recognize the striking parallels must arrange their activism to first and foremost denounce Israeli terror, boycott Israeli vegan tourism, distance the animal rights movement from such blatant military violence, and most importantly, organize in solidarity with Palestinians to end the occupation. The vegan-washing of Israel’s occupation must be exposed for what is really is - a strategic political branding used by the government to desensitize the international community to the horrid violence required to maintain the occupation. Designed to drive a wedge between animal liberationists and Palestinian liberationists, the Israeli vegan-washing campaign is in effect erasing the connection between intersectional struggles for liberation while further solidifying Israeli supremacy.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 17:50:30 +0000

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