Thoughts for the day - -- I am not a fan of breast implants... - TopicsExpress


Thoughts for the day - -- I am not a fan of breast implants... the number one argument I get back on this is well, some girls with breast cancer get them or even worse, I get better opportunities and people treat me differently. Less endowed women can rock what they have with confidence. And there are some very PORPORTIONATE, good looking augmentations out there. I am specifically talking about the tiny girls with dual-deployed airbags that look like they are struggling to not fall over. If you are so disproportionate that they look anime/comical, no thank you. -- Weird Al just released his new album and there is a song called Word Crimes which is a parody of Blurred Lines. Even though its meant to be satire, the lyrical content adds so much more tangible value than the original song... Correct Grammar vs. Exploiting Girls. -- High school drama should stay in high school. If you cannot mature or better yourself past your highest education level, then dont be angry as the world passes you by and people the same age as you continue to progress/evolve and succeed while you work at McDonalds or wherever your resume is accepted. -- We are all guilty of doing it, but that hmmm moment when you send someone a message on FB or text and you see that they read it. But didnt reply. -- It saddens me that online videos of people fighting, more people continue to film and verbally encourage whats happening instead of stopping filming and breaking it up. -- In the 90s, latina girls would pluck off their eyebrows and redraw them on super high and super thin. I always thought this was funny because they looked surprised all the time. -- There could be life out there somewhere in the vastness of our universe. They could also think we are idiots because we have been broadcasting things like Justin Bieber and Jersey Shore into the unknown... it sounds like I am joking, but I am dead serious. If you were an intelligent race picking up our broadcasts... what would you think of us? When I was traveling through Europe, they made fun of americans because the only US show on tv was the Jerry Springer show... that was their window into our culture and I dont blame them for thinking we are idiots. Did you know one of the first major television broadcasts was in 1936 and it was Hitler giving a speech? -- Ive noticed that if you have friends in the service industry, if you visit them as a customer... typically you get worse service. Even though you are a paying/tipping patron, they see you as less of a priority because they know you and do not mind making you wait because they know you personally. -- I think I finally figured out what our wedding invitations will be... now just to lock down the resources to make them... stress =/
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 03:21:52 +0000

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