Thoughts for the day/week- - I think I might be a terrible - TopicsExpress


Thoughts for the day/week- - I think I might be a terrible person... I mean, I really, really hate pigeons... and one has taken residence in one of the hanging plants on my patio. Its been crapping EVERYWHERE. Ive been shooing it away with a broom every chance I get for the past week, yet, it keeps returning full of tenacity... and poop. In addition to that, it constantly makes that annoying pigeon cooing noise all day and night... finally I got fed up and took down the plant where it was nesting. I discover 2 eggs... dammit, moral dilemma... let this annoying bird continue the miracle of life on my patio all while poo-ing and coo-ing... or commit bird murder. After about an hour of deliberation I decided to dispose of the nest and eggs... now the pigeon keeps flying around and looking for its family. I feel bad... not really... now you know bird. Tell your friends. - Im sure most of you saw or heard about the hero cat that saved the boy from the attacking dog this past week. While I think that is fantastic, and think the cat is amazing, I think its bad that the family is already selling merchandise for Tara the hero cat to turn a profit. In addition to that, the dog is scheduled to be destroyed for attacking the boy. Poor owner responsibility. Tragic. - I enjoy helping my friends if they need me. But if you dont keep contact me on a regular basis even as a casual friend, my spider-sense goes off when I see I received a message from you... because I know its just because you want something. I usually file that under ignore. At least be fake and say Hi!, what have you been up to? before cutting to the chase and revealing what you want/need. - We are currently mid-move to a new apartment. This is the slowest move I have ever been involved in due to the timing of our leases. So the stress factor really isnt an issue, we get to take our sweet time, we have even decided to paint some of the walls at the new place to match our current design motif. I think the best thing about moving is getting to go through all of your things and purge what is junk and what is worth keeping. Its amazing how much space and storage is taken up by things we think we might use later, or just simply forget about. Fresh starts are always good for the mind and soul. - These thoughts of the day would have a much better home on Xanga... back when it was popular and we actually read what our friends had to say. - I cant think of any more dry erase window doodles lately... suggestions welcome. - I wake up at 530 AM everyday, a habit I never really lost from the Air Force. My morning regime consists of; lay in bed and catch up on FB until I hit the feed from what I saw the night before. Get out of bed and check CNN, Gizmodo, Kotaku, and thePirateBay. Those are my core sites. When I go to bed I speed through Reddit. This daily routine is what keeps me in the know on most things. - Everyone should get obliterated wine drunk at least once in their lives... so they know to never, ever do it again. - We just learned that the Cards Against Humanity expansion box has a secret hidden card in the lining of the box that you have to cut out... a silver foil card that says The Biggest Blackest Dick. Thanks Sara Weller
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 02:28:41 +0000

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