Thoughts in Worship Message Magazines Online Devotional for - TopicsExpress


Thoughts in Worship Message Magazines Online Devotional for Monday, June 2, 2014 Based Upon Jeremiah 1:4-5 You Are No Accident “And the word of Yahweh came to me, saying, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you came out from the womb I consecrated you; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations”” (Jeremiah 1:4–5, LEB). News flash: The Most High does not make mistakes! He never sleeps. Nothing ever escapes His attention. No child is born without His creative power. He is not willing that any person should be condemned. He wills for every person to live eternally with Him. As we all await the coming of Jesus there is work for all of us to do. It is our privilege to accept the fact, speak frankly with our God, ask Him what that is, and ask for the power to accomplish it. I need you to do yourself a favor today: Pay close attention to our focus text and notice the point at which God took notice of you. Was it after your parents planned your birth and you came forth crying and they enfolded you into a loving home? Was it when some guy copulated with some girl, and in a fit of lustful passion they neglected birth control and you were born? Did God come to your moms hospital room, bedroom, back alley, back seat, roadside, or prison hospital and with suprise in His eyes say, Wow! Where did you come from? Now, what am I supposed to do with you? No! Regardless of the circumstances of your birth; regardless whether your parents planned or even desired your birth, our heavenly Father knew you beforehand. You existed in His mind like this planet. Just as the earth was without form and was void, and God began to enact His thoughts, resulting in the most beautiful creation, He called you into existence. Dont miss this: There is no person who is ever born than can be born without His power. Nature is no wind up toy that God twists on occasion, which flutters about and whatever happens, happens. If you were born, regardless of circumstances, God wanted you here. It was His direct activity upon the biological process that created your life. And, for every life, there is a divinely ordered purpose. You are no afterthought. Ask the Lord what your purpose is, and submit to that purpose for His glory and your good. Amen.--L. David Harris
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 12:07:15 +0000

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