Thoughts in Worship Message Magazines Online Devotional for - TopicsExpress


Thoughts in Worship Message Magazines Online Devotional for Sabbath, November 15, 2014 Based Upon Matthew 14 - What kind of faith do you have? Now, that’s a great question! No, really, it’s a great question. It is a spiritual self-inventory question we all must answer regularly. Do we have the kind of faith that falters and drowns, being overcome by life’s winds and waves of strife? Do we have the kind of faith that surrenders our little to God, so He can multiply it for His glory? Do we have the kind of faith that, though downcast with affliction, we muster just enough to touch the virtue of character He makes available to us as we pursue Him with all our hearts? Do you have the kind of faith that gives all, even your mortal life for service to God? What kind of faith do you have? - The cool thing about true faith is that while we come face-to-face with the kinds of questions I just asked, we also have the privilege of answering the question, “What kind of faith does Jesus have?” Or, better phrased, we might ask, “What kind of faith does Jesus give?” The good news is that Jesus is the Originator of faith. He is the One who completes our faith. While we take a self-inventory, we always come up short, even in the best of circumstances. Even our all is not good enough, but God has made Himself responsible for allying Himself with us. Thus it is that our tiny little, insignificant faith can reach across the gulf of impotence, to the Omnipotent One. Our faith, enfeebled though it be, is simply a conduit through which the power of God flows into our lives. And, anyone who consistently asserts faith in this way, cannot fail. - What kind of faith does Jesus give? He gives the kind of faith that embraces all that God is, and then becomes like Him. One day, those who continue in this brand of faith, will see our God in His effulgent glory. Let those who have this hope in Him, be pure, just like Him.--L. David Harris (davidwritesalot)
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 02:15:40 +0000

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