Thoughts of an Author Posted by Anna Maslin at 11:38, March 11 - TopicsExpress


Thoughts of an Author Posted by Anna Maslin at 11:38, March 11 2014. I think the world of publishing has changed forever. Information is available so widely and so freely that I think very few people will choose to pay for books in quite the way they used to. I have had books published now for over 15 years both conventionally and now more recently in eBook format. To tell the truth I think the eBook will enable people all over the world to be able to access information and education in a way that was inconceivable just 10 years ago. This availability of information and resources is doubtless of global benefit but does this abundance of literature mean that the role of a book author other than for recreational purposes is over? I don’t have the answer but what I do know is that the desire to communicate with others through the written word remains strong. I don’t often highlight reviews but I happened to glance at one of my most recent yesterday on ‘The Year of the Jubilee’. The reviewer wrote; 5 out of 5 stars - Thoroughly recommended. Laughed and cried from start to finish. Amazon Verified Purchase : The Year of the Jubilee (Kindle Edition) I read this one before the prequel “The Binary Year” and was so impressed I immediately bought the earlier book to fill in the gaps. It is written in quite an individualistic style reminiscent of Adrian Mole but female and all-grown up. Anna beautifully captures the plight of this middle aged woman as she struggles to come to terms with all the changes in her life. In fact, it’s so well captured I wondered often whether it was more autobiographical than fictional. This isn’t one of the best reviews of one of my books but reading it made me smile because the reader ‘got it’. I think those of us who write do it because we want to connect with a reader, to share a story, share an experience or share a perspective. As long as we are able to do that there will always be writers connecting with their readers. Another one of my loyal readers wrote reviews on both ‘The Binary Year’ and ‘The Year of the Jubilee’ 5 out of 5 stars - A wonderful read ! Amazon Verified Purchase by Tracey Tester : The Binary Year (Kindle Edition) I downloaded this book when I saw a link saying it was currently free on Amazon - although I certainly would not mind paying for it. I loved the way the book was written in diary format, with some entries being relatively short and others longer. I could not put down my Kindle while reading this book - it was most inconvenient that I have to work and could only read it for half an hour on my lunch break each day ! It certainly gives a great insight into the fostering process - I did not realise the full extent of the upheaval for want of a better word, that prospective foster parents have to go through before they are even accepted (poor Leo !) That said, it definitely isnt a tale of woe - the humour in the book (provided mostly by the wonderful Lily) is great and I found myself laughing out loud at some parts. I would even bookmark certain pages so that I would read them to my partner when I got home from work. I highly recommend this book to anyone and I will definitely be reading it again. 5 out of 5 stars - Salt ..... the substance you put on your chips Amazon Verified Purchase by Tracey Tester : The Year of the Jubilee (Kindle Edition) I am a huge fan of The Binary Year - so much so that I have read it 3 times and I recommend it continuously on Twitter and Facebook. So, you can imagine how happy I was to find out there was going to be a sequel. The book follows straight on from The Binary Year, and is also written in a diary format which I really liked. We are given an insight into the lives of Anna and her family - including her bonus children. The wonderful Lily provides a lot of the humour (it is so hard to believe she is only 10 years old). It isnt all humorous though - there were many challenges thrown at the family by the bonus children which showed Annas emotions, but without being woe is me. Once again, I enjoyed getting to know the characters in the book and found I could relate to quite a lot - both as a parent of 2 girls and also as I was when I was a teenager. Im not great at writing reviews - but I felt I had to write one for this book in the hope that it will encourage others to read it. Once again, I will continue to recommend at any given opportunity. I have never met Tracey. I have only had contact with her through social media but readers like Tracey are a privilege and every writer should cherish them.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 08:52:16 +0000

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