Thoughts on Dogs, Ebola, and Giving From Master of Science - TopicsExpress


Thoughts on Dogs, Ebola, and Giving From Master of Science Graduate, Davis Hawn: My BUCS education has empowered me beyond my wildest expectation. I now think in more novel ways and enjoy learning more than ever. You CAN teach an old dog like me new tricks! I am far more aware of novelties in my environment and it causes me to think out of the box. BUCS is a place where you truly learn how to learn. Last week I was sitting in a flyer lounge in a Japanese airport. I watched a television news story concerning two nurses that had contracted the Ebola virus. The Spanish nurse was pictured with her beautiful, large dog straddling her lap. The Spanish government had euthanized her dog prompted by the fear of the contagion. She was quoted as asking about her dog “how is she?” Her husband was quoted as saying that he skirted the issue as he didn’t have the heart to tell her the facts. The news report then shifted to the American nurse Nina Pham and her dog Bentley. I saw her dog in a crate. The dog was happy. The front page of USA Today quoted the Mayor of Dallas Mike Rawlings as saying that Bentley was “wagging his tail, eating, drinking water” and that he would be reunited with his owner when she recovered. It suddenly dawned on me that over 50% of the internationally broadcast story concerned the “dogs” and their familial relationship. Talk about “elevating the status of dogs in society”…the BUCS mission statement on screen! As a limited edition BUCS Master’s graduate I took the story to heart and I had to express my feelings as they are profound. My dog Booster is a cancer survivor and has faced death on myriad occasions. He once saved my life. I live to love and study the canine-human bond. I do not know the nurse in Spain and can’t reach out to her yet as she doesn’t know her beloved dog’s fate as of this moment in time. I felt compelled by the BUCS core within me to reach out to Ms. Pham who will need the additional “medicine” Bentley will afford in the months to come. My dog Booster sent Bentley a note, a new bed, (and 2 pics) in which he referenced his human and BUCS. I would like to share it with you: Dear Bentley Your heroic moms going to be fine and return home soon. She misses you as much as you miss her! I understand separation anxiety but please hang in there as shes going to need your unconditional love and canine comfort more than ever. I can identify with your mom because I was once diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma and my prognosis was bleak. I too am a medical first as I am the first canine in the world to receive a vaccine made from my own tumor to fight my disease. I, like your mom, am a fighter. That was years ago; today I am well. Miracles are always happening. Please try out your comfortable new bed. Perhaps it will help you sleep a little better or catch a cat nap from time to time until your mom comes home, puts her arms around you, looks into your big eyes, and hugs you once again. (PS; Youre a hero too!) Much love, Booster the Service Dog (and his human Davis Hawn) Bergin University of Canine Studies (BUCS)
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 16:20:50 +0000

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