Thoughts on FAILURE . . . I was at ATT earlier to assist my - TopicsExpress


Thoughts on FAILURE . . . I was at ATT earlier to assist my student and was so bored standing in line. To cure my boredom I started browsing the FB posts and suddenly the light bulb in my head lit. The subject was centered on FAILURE. I remembered not too long ago I posted something about Lessons in life which are simply failures in disguise. I kept juggling my thoughts trying to come up with more thoughts and finally my brains synced and here are my random thoughts on the subject . . . These days through the net and at your fingertip you can access new knowledge to facilitate learning. The is Facebook another tool and through the posts of friends generate new ideas worthy to explore. As I mentioned there was this post which lighted the bulb in my brains instantaneously. Its about fail or failure. Lets face it, we all had a share of these many failures although in my previous post I called failures as lessons in life and my stand remains the same. Now I want to elevate or take the discourse one step further. What does the acronym stands for; FAIL: F-irst A-ction I-n L-earning FAIL: F-lawless A-scending I-n L-ife I love this quote from Bill Gates which is the epicenter of my subject, Its fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure. Bill Gates One writer has this to say: In my experience there are 3 kinds of people: 1) Those who easily give up and readily look for excuses like, “this is too hard” and once something isn’t presented as easy, they have no interest. They don’t bother to try because the fear of failure is so great, that they would rather not attempt it and be none the wiser for the outcome. 2) People who will dip their toe in the water to see if it’s cold, may slowly enter in, but once they encounter a challenge have a hard time getting over it, almost to the point where they won’t try again. Admitting their failure, they just claim to not be good at it and move on to something else. 3) Lastly are the fearless. Bravely encountering news things and old things, taking chances whether or not the outcome is favorable. Sure frustration exists and they don’t get it right the first time, but they don’t give up. With tenacity, they take what they’ve learned from their errors, store it and use it to be more successful the next time. What about the essay below? For sure it will put that eternal flame in your head. If you do not ever fail, then your goals are not nearly ambitious enough. If you do not come across new challenges on a regular basis, your abilities and effectiveness will become stale and weak. Comfort is a good state in which to find rest, renewal and refuge for a while. It is a dreary and dismal place to take up permanent residence. The reason life can be so rich is precisely because it can be so difficult. You cannot possibly appreciate or fully benefit from the good things if you have no experience with the bad things. When your efforts are met with failure, you know you are on to something. Because on the other side of that failure is real and substantive accomplishment. Seek not to create failure, nor to avoid failure. Seek instead to allow failure, when it comes, to keep you moving on the path to greater success. Failure confirms that you are reaching higher. And higher is always the best direction to reach. Let me put the breaks in my head with the quotes below or I lose control (LOL). Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement. C. S. Lewis “A man can fail many times, but he isnt a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.” John Burroughs “If you learn from defeat, you havent really lost.” Zig Ziglar “Remember that failure is an event, not a person.” Zig Ziglar “Many of lifes failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” Thomas A. Edison Cheers! Joegar
Posted on: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 05:05:36 +0000

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