Thoughts on Transformers 4: Age of Extinction Redeeming - TopicsExpress


Thoughts on Transformers 4: Age of Extinction Redeeming Qualities: -Mark Wahlberg as Cade Yeager -Stanley Tuccis performance -Overblown, but overall entertaining action sequences. -Killing off a comic relief character who I feared would be with us throughout the entire movie -Fights were well-choreographed, integrating each model into the environments looked convincing enough Problems I had with the movie: -Dinobots felt like a last minute resort -Unsubtle product placement moment: A Bud Light truck crashes causing bottles to spread all over the street. Cade picks up one and chugs it down after telling off a bystander -Kelsey Grammers character frequently disappears then re-appears, not giving the audience a chance to see his character contribute as much to the movie. -Lacking a coherent plot or story, essentially the movie lacks an identifiable direction -Too much screaming, haphazard sound editing, juvenile Michael Bay humor, and useless/pointless/underdeveloped characters(Tessa, Shane, and Lucas) Rating: 5/10; Not terrible or unwatchable, but still suffering from every problem that plagued the first three Transformers films. I cant say my time was wasted, but I can understand why other moviegoers and critics despise this installment.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 05:12:59 +0000

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