Thoughts on a Tuesday morning…specially dedicated to my - TopicsExpress


Thoughts on a Tuesday morning…specially dedicated to my daughters and sons.. and all of you for sure! As I grow older I find myself having longer periods of introspection. “Being only with myself periods”, is what I call it. No, it is not meditation, it is just being honest with myself in reassessing what “my life is all about moments”. It is like talking with the inner self that needs no introductions, nor justifications for it is who I am in a naked sense. When having these conversations with myself, it is sort of intriguing, for I know that I AM while at the same time I AM someone or something else much bigger than what I show myself to be, and I trust myself to dig in and accept the answers as coming from the real source of who I AM. I’m the youngest of a family of 4. My father was a self-made man with only 8th Grade formal education but with several LIFE Doctorates on how to live in the streets type of guy. When I was a young boy, interactions with my father were, in a way, short lived, but always intense. He was always working, his work ethics was probably the highest, if measured by the scale of 1 -10, he was definitely a full-blown 10. So being the youngest, I had the luxury of getting the most attention from not only both parents but also my 3 older siblings. Since I wanted to get more of my father’s time I quickly found out by the age of 6, that if I worked at his store (dry goods, fabrics, etc.), I would be able to spend more time with him after school and working on most Saturdays also; instead of waiting for dinner and maybe an hour more every night to be with him. Little did I know the impact, that working with my father from that early age and all the way through my 21st year would have in the later years of my life specially in my sixth & seventh decade of existence! I fought being like him for what looked as forever, to finally come to embrace the aura of wisdom that surrounded his being. Fortunately, my ignorance did not last a lifetime, just like the ignorance of what we think lies after we die, but that our soul doesn’t accept to remain as ignorant for eternity. I think that even though I didn’t accept my father’s advice for many, many years after I left being with him on a daily basis up to my late 20’s, it was the power of the “osmosis of love” that worked on me without me knowing of its existence. It was my father’s unselfish, impartial and what at times seemed to me to be a frustrating display of attempting to help in shaping my life; not for his sake, but for mine. In a way, that is what happens to all of us as we try our best to live our lives. Our individuality tends to fend off any suggestions that might go against what we believe its best for us because we “miss the forest for the trees” when we fail to be open to change, specially change that is inevitable. There are people in your life, just like my father was in mine, that have walked the same path as you and I are presently walking. They are just ahead of us in “the journey”. Like the song from John Mayer, Dear Marie, that has a line that is so apropos : https://youtube/watch?v=wHPrX-rwnoE “ Oh Dear Marie, tell me what it was I used to be? And if you’re further up the road can you show me what I still can see.” Let’s us not be blind, nor deaf to all those people in our lives that care about us, even though we might not agree with them, they all have a message, a teaching, an example that will leads us to a better place both in this life and beyond. ( Forgot to tell you, it is all happening at the same time, in this ETERNAL MOMENT OF THE NOW). LOL! May peace and love always surround you….papijulio cc Julio Ricardo Varela Vanessa Varela Fernando Varela Julia Margarita Varela Granger Julian Varela
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 15:02:26 +0000

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