Thoughts on barriers to membership for new AERC folk, from a - TopicsExpress


Thoughts on barriers to membership for new AERC folk, from a typical Millennial type (hiya) trying to join - this is LOVING constructive criticism, of the type that in my day job I go out of my way to request from users, so please take as desire to help AERC grow! - The design of the current join form is outdated, basic HTML + JS. Consider applying some CSS. Id be happy to recommend learning resources (General Assembly Dash is what Im using!) - Taking time out of my work hours for a phone call (hours which often include the whole 8-4 window!) is a pain. Phone seems to be the only way to get the fall special. - A nutrition facts style sidebar with basic info on which membership is right for me would help. EN only membership is not explained on the form - if I didnt know already that means Endurance News, Id be very confused. - I need an I dont know yet! option for weight division. I want to join NOW, but I dont have my tack here to weigh. - Family member - needed if you have a family member I do have family members, but they arent in endurance, so this is unclear to me. Is this an emergency contact? For a family membership? But I dont see a choose family membership option? - Under the menu where you can elect an additional donation to AERC, I cant find any info on what exactly those programs are. - Overall, its hard to even find the join online form. If selling memberships is priority #1 right now, there should be a big banner on the homepage that takes a visitor straight to the join form. - A horse of the day/rider of the day feature on the main page might bring window shoppers back more often (to see if a horse like theirs is featured, see if they know anyone featured...) and the more often someone visits, the more likely they are to eventually buy. I am happy to volunteer my professional expertise as a community manager to assist in any redesign or copywriting audit activities that AERC deems beneficial to the current membership drive. Often, small changes to a websites UI can significantly increase sales.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 01:55:12 +0000

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