Thoughts this morning from the mission chair of Katherine E. Riebe - TopicsExpress


Thoughts this morning from the mission chair of Katherine E. Riebe on this Halloween Day (October 31, 2014, Friday). It stems from Robert Reichs comments from UC Berkeley ideas on income inequality in our country. Citizens United, supported by 5 Supreme Court Justices though tipped that balance toward the 1% billionaires. They are laughing all the way to the banks. Is not that Greed? Doesnt it say something about the character of these rich billionaires? Deep down they like money more than they like people (humanity). Otherwise they would give back those mega billions to the poor and middle class American people and the world who made them rich in the first place. They are the takers not the givers. Those 5 conservative Supreme Court Justices are greedy and selfish. Do they really care about the other 98%? How do they get away with sleeping with the corporate world and never get caught is beyond me. They are having a love affair with money and lots of it. The other 4 Supreme Court Justices on the other hand are fighting for the 98%. Yet for some reason we are having a difficult time overturning Citizens United. That law of the land legislative rule favored the rich and wealthiest Americans. The top 1000 billionaires do not give a rats ass about us 98%. And these billionaires are not doctors or nurses who take care of them. They billionaires are taking from all of us. They are the oil barons of the world. They are the CEOS who are laughing to the banks with more money any of us would ever see. Greed = Billionaires. That includes the top 1000 billionaires. The income distribution is so skewed off the charts it is down right criminal. Bernie Madoff didnt get away with it. How is it then that the rest of the top 1000 billionaires are getting away with it too? The 98% have every human right to be upset with the abuse of being duped and ripped off by high prices on gas and oil; on goods and services. It is time to overthrow oligarchy. We need to fight back for democracy. We need to improve Americas wages for the hard working poor and middle class Americans. We most definitely need to reform the tax code. The billionaires could easily pay $1 billion in taxes per year. Vote to sign a petition that billionaires ought to pay $1 billion dollars in taxes per year. This would help to pay off our national debt. This would also help to improve our education system. It would help to build Americas infrastructure. It would improve our healthcare system. Need I say more? Haha. Happy Halloween America. Do not eat too much sugar! Haha.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 16:08:28 +0000

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