Thoughts to a friend about to embark on her first trip to - TopicsExpress


Thoughts to a friend about to embark on her first trip to India”. These are my thoughts on your forthcoming travel to India: Whatever I say in this email about India, you can put in the bank. It is 100% true. o If you only have a short time – start with the north - the Golden Triangle - Udaipur, Jaipur and Agra - and fly out of Delhi. o Travel light. We crisscross India each year, across the length and breadth of the country, and we take only carry-on luggage. People are amazed that we can do it. But it works. o Start early in the morning. We always leave the hotel by 7:00 AM and try not to return before midnight. Each city is a different city at different times of the day. . . . The people, the weather, the smells, the activity, the rhythms, everything changes within the day. Most people dont realize this but it is true - if you have the wisdom to listen to the heartbeat of the city and the people. o Dont economize or penny pinch. Particularly when shopping, eating or sightseeing. The experience will linger long after the price has been forgotten. Besides, there are no pockets in shrouds. You can’t take your last few shekels with you when you cast off your mortal coil. Enjoy yourself and every experience that comes your way. o Dont haggle (even though it is part of Indian culture and DNA). Giving a vendor a few extra bucks is no big deal - and it will make his day. Bargaining is a waste of precious time and energy. Life is too short to play silly games. o Slip a few coins into the hands of the street kids. You wont miss it. And their smiles will melt your heart. You will never forget the smile of a happy child. Just for the heck of it, give the kid something before he asks. Better still, ask him for directions or something similar - and then give him some money. o Before you go, read a bit about Indian history, culture and religious faith - it is like peeling a giant onion. . . . . . there are many layers, each fascinating on its own. o Be careful in the traffic. It is chaotic. Rome is a quiet suburb in comparison to Mumbai or Kolkota. It is said that the meek shall inherit the earth. Well, the Indians are meek and they have taken his words to heart. They believe that by being meek they have inherited the earth - which entitles them to drive all over the road! It can be very scary. To give my wife an Indian experience I hired an auto rickshaw to take us for a ride. I was white knuckle terrified!!! But Trix loved it. . . . . . she bribed the driver to let her drive! I was shaking like a leaf sitting in the back seat with the driver! She will be the death of me. o The most important advice I can give you: o The best thing to take to India is a good attitude. o If you go there with an enquiring mind, eager to immerse yourself in the richest culture on the planet, seep in their culture(s), eat the best vegetarian food imaginable, and meet the extraordinarily gracious people, then you will have a wonderful experience. You will never be the same person as a result. o Dont just take my word for it. Take my guarantee. o If you go there with a whining attitude, you will hate it. o My wife says I am Indias best ambassador. She says I send out more positive impressions of India than their ambassador in Canberra! I could probably write a book on the country without stopping for breath. o I tell people if they go to India looking for Diamonds or Dung, they will certainly find it. . . . . . the choice is yours. o As airline pilots say Your attitude determines your altitude. o The people I know in India are fantastic. One family that I support privately is not well off, and I love them dearly. I always shake my head in bewilderment. The guy I who relies on me to support his family has more university degrees than I do! And he is humble, hardworking and honest. Life is just not fair sometimes. o That is why I think we all have a DUTY to share EVERYTHING we have - money, time, or even a kind word. Particularly a kind word. o I honestly believe this to be true. the best people have the best time in India; the worst people have the worst time in India. o And so it should be. o So whenever people come back to me and rave about India, I smile and say You deserved to have a good time. You went there with a good attitude. o When people complain to me about their India experience, I tell them they deserved to have a bad time. o They went there with shit on their shoes. Good luck!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 08:02:47 +0000

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