Thousands of Bahamians--FNMs and PLPs--indeed Bahamians of all - TopicsExpress


Thousands of Bahamians--FNMs and PLPs--indeed Bahamians of all political stripes stand with the FNM Deputy Leader Loretta Butler-Turner in believing that Bahamians should be marching on Parliament in protest of the PLPs failure and deceit on mortgage relief. That Party promised mortgage relief to thousands of people in the general election campaign and to date their record is one of doing good for only a select, well-connected few. Most Bahamians in mortgage distress have been left to fend for themselves. Because of the governments failure to deliver on meaningful mortgage relief, these hurting Bahamians are rightly angered and a decision to march on Parliament is very much in order. The key question is who should LEAD it? Furthermore, the Deputys statement should be taken in context. Yes she did call for people to join her. HOWEVER, the inference was VERY clear that the issue would be discussed with her Parliamentary colleagues to assess their perspectives. The issue was in fact discussed and the consensus position was precisely as was well articulated by the party leader Dr. Hubert Minnis--the Party would not LEAD such a march or demonstration. The FNM Parliamentary teams assessment of this issue was crystal clear--this government is already under-performing on the subject of mortgage relief. As a result of that, we do not intend to give Mr. Christies government any new excuse to do even less than they are doing now. The team understood that the FNMs involvement in any such protest as a LEAD organizer--at this time--would immediately give the government further excuse for under-performance by insisting that the peoples protest was POLITICALLY MOTIVATED. The FNM team understands that in a spiteful and vindictive environment such as the one perpetuated by Perry Christie, anyone standing on the side of the FNM would be subject to further neglect, and that would defeat the purpose of a march in the first place. The FNM has no interest in giving this lackluster and lazy government any further excuse--to do nothing or to further victimize people who really need their help. Consequently, the team decided that despite the merits of mass protest, the FNMs direct participation or leadership in a public protest was not the best action at this time. I also wish to make it very clear that the outcry is much ado about nothing. Some members of the media, with an assist from Bradley Roberts, are trying to hype a story of division and stir up conflict in the FNM where NONE EXISTS. This non-story story is being perpetuated by the PLP to divert attention from their own failings. I wish to remind PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts that it was the PLP and not the FNM who campaigned on the basis that they would bring widespread mortgage relief to thousands. The FNM knew that the PLP was lying to the people and that what they were proposing could not work. The FNM Finance ministers were doing honest work on mortgage relief behind the scenes. And based on what we knew was possible at the height of recession, the party made a conscious decision not to exploit peoples fears and frustrations by making promises we knew we could not keep. The PLP clearly had no such concern. They overpromised and they have underdelivered in spectacular fashion. Today, this Chairman gave an interview to the Broadcasting Corporation of The Bahamas at the gate of the Prime Ministers planned reception mansion on Goodmans Bay to demonstrate one example of where the Prime Ministers priorities were placed and remain. The NIB funds to be spent to renovate the ceremonial mansion to entertain out of town guests could help a few hundred Bahamians in mortgage distress to stay in their homes if the Governments priorities were in order. Sadly they are not.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 21:33:18 +0000

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