Thread: Form a team to conduct research on solutions to provide - TopicsExpress


Thread: Form a team to conduct research on solutions to provide electricity to the island in Vietnam (Project No. 8) 1: Introduction 1.1 Aim To provide power for the island district in Vietnam with cheap and clean electricity 1.2 Authorization The maneger of trans mission department of electric of Viet Nam(EVN), has authorized the establishment of a research group providing solutions to power for the island in Vietnam 1.3 Scope Vietnam current situation in power supply for the island district is still difficult to Provide Power to the island construction conditions are complex, harsh marine weather; transporting supplies and equipment to the island is equally difficult. There is a real opportunity to build positions at the edge of the column foundation Tra Ngo island (Van Don, Quang Ninh) under the project of bringing electricity to the island Coto, we witnessed difficulties in construction hard-line this phone line. Storm 2 has come through that the construction contractor PCC1 interrupted for several days. Wind storm hit shattered camps, brother engineers and workers have to eat dry food and shelter at the nearby ranger station. The power pole foundations to build higher than 10 m at the edge of the island, a steep cliff side, then do the delivery of cement, stone and steel to extremely difficult and costly. Mr. Huynh Quoc Vinh, Chairman of the electrification project of Ly Son island EVNCPC said, compared with Co and Phu Quoc Ly Son is much more complex, the deepest point on cables up to 900 m. Seafloor topography, currents in central more complicated. This area is frequently hit by winds with strong signal strength, construction as well as maintenance and repair will be more difficult later. But it is most difficult to raise capital for the project. So far, the project brought new power to the island of Co To mobilize 630 billion. To complete the project should add 500 billion more. However, this project was conducted in the form of socialization: State, local, and business people together to invest. Recently, Quang Ninh Province has organized funding program to support electrification Co island with the theme Together lighting Coto Island waters, attracting businesses, organizations and individuals to contribute 205 billion for the project. Anh Hoang Van Nang, Deputy Head of Project Management of bringing electricity to the island district of Quang Ninh Co under CTDL explained to us: The grid investment to the island is very expensive. Only pre-fabricated and spread the special cable (integrated fiber optic cable) with multiple layers of protection against corrosion particularly accounted for half the total investment of the project. August is expected to, when all preparations are ready, the contractor will Prymian for specialized vessels in the area of Van Don and Co To start scattered and buried underground cable. From now until January 10-2013 is the peak period of construction, are in need of capital payments to contractors, particularly within the EPC bid packages must be paid in July to 45% of contract value. Define the project is meaningful crucial, Quang Ninh Province Peoples Committee, Quang Ninh CTDL and contractors are trying our best to bring the project to ensure completion on schedule. Quang Ninh CTDL leaders also said contractors PCC1 also a large priority focus manpower and means of construction projects, even when the investor does not have the PCC1 payments to implement preparedness funds public. 2 THE PROBLEM Despite the years, the power industry has worked hard to overcome many difficulties, power to the island district in the country, but to solve the problems mentioned above, need the attention of the ministries, departments local governments as well as people on the island to enjoy legitimate rights, using power quality with reasonable price. Bringing power to the island construction conditions are complex, harsh marine weather; transporting supplies and equipment to the island is equally difficult 3.0 POWER IS IN THE ISLAND Along with the general trend of human development, Vietnam is actively promoting industrial process modernization. But in parallel with the development of the critical issues need to be addressed. One of them is too wasteful consumption of energy, particularly electrical energy. In recent years, with GDP growth reached an annual average of 7.5%, the demand for energy and electricity continues to rise at a rate of 10.5% and respectively 15%. According to the forecasts of economists and energy, GDP growth, energy demand and energy will continue to maintain a high level, so that in the coming years without electricity demand for economic development - society is inevitable. Not only lack of electricity in industrial development, the lack of actual power production is also problematic. The reality of the serious power shortage is occurring in many places, particularly in districts dao.Nguyen main cause of power shortage is the process of bringing electricity to the island was difficult. Currently, the development of socio-economic national maritime areas, including the Co To Island District (Quang Ninh), Ly Son (Quang Ngai) and Phu Quoc (Kien Giang) with very strategic location important Party and State priority attention, including bringing electricity to the islands is essential. Island district currently very difficult and always in shortage of electricity, such as diesel plant on Ly Son 4,2MW, grid status quo has 8,9km 22kV line; 17,5km low voltage lines; 11TBA / 3,04MVA, ensure power supply to 3,560 households with about 2,2-2,4MW load. Currently Diesel generators Ly Son 6 hours a day (from 17h-23h) and night rotation, between two social nights. The electricity supply plan for the island by submarine cable (110kV, 22kV) were the branches and electrical calculations, deliberation, shows a huge advantage compared to other options (build power plants wind power or solar energy) in both the stability, sustainability and operating costs. When in operation, the national grid will change the face of economic life - society, improve livelihoods, contribute to ensuring national security, sovereignty sacred island. 4.0 SOLUOTION There are many solutions proposed to solve the problem of power supply for the island district, The following are some of the major projects done and has brought a number of successes: 4.1 Wind Energy Wind energy is inexhaustible natural resource exploitation of wind power on the island more attention - Advantages: not a lot of fuel, does not pollute the environment as thermal power plants, easy to select the location to save the land and building is different from the hydro plants can only be built near strong currents with special conditions and needs huge area for water reservoirs. cons: - Biggest disadvantage of wind energy is dependent on weather conditions and wind regimes. So when designing, to study the details of the wind regime, terrain and wind without turbulence (bad influence to the transmitter). Due to these reasons depends on the environmental conditions as above, but wind energy is increasingly popular and important, but not as the main energy source. One point to note is the possibility of wind farms will cause noise pollution during operation, and can disrupt the natural landscape and may affect the signal of the radio if the weak technical factors are not properly concerned. Therefore, the construction of wind power needed to calculate a reasonable distance to residential areas, tourist areas so as not to cause negative impacts. - Problems: cost and operating large complex 4.2 Solar Energy is abundant, clean, green, environmentally friendly, it can be applied anywhere as long as there is sunlight - Advantages: not a lot of fuel, does not pollute the environment, c solar system with high reliability, virtually no maintenance and general, can deploy modular, located at where the load. Another advantage of the solar system that can operate independently and can be used to supplement battery. -Cons: outside the high initial capital investment, a large area and must have sunshine, solar energy technology also has the drawback of making operational applications more widely encountered many obstacles. Specifically solar cells suitable for peaking function not to replace the large electricity generators. 4.3 The use of diesel generators: Diesel generators are also a solution to the remote island, the power supply by generator is said to be a solution to solve difficulties for the islands - Advantages: power supply in place quick, active and not dependent - Cons: the most difficult hole when put to use generators to provide power l is for living and economic development tourism in these islands is extremely large. Despite the use of diesel generator large capacity. However, to develop strong and lasting economic development on the island tour, you need a large power supply more stable, in addition to using the generator also cause environmental pollution by operating machine and noise pollution generated by machines 4.4 Pulling underground cables into the sea pulling underground cables into the sea as a means found to provide electricity for the nearby islands and the district has taken some positive new however it is still some advantages and disadvantages - Advantages: is a power supply solution long-term stability for the district in order to ensure islands and the ecological environment for tourism development in the island district and ensure power to the people 24/24 - Cons: underground cable option putting teeth into the sea has achieved many development possibilities through but besides that, there are some difficulties construction faced many difficult and strenuous due to weather conditions in Vietnam sea, big wave reef tank with depths up to 90m and worked construction major difficulty besides a large capital investment, technical complexity is also an equally important issue 5 CONCLUSIONS Work out strategic solutions and solutions for each stage to implement drastic, more realistic; selling price close to the market more attractive to call the domestic investors and foreign investors to actively participate in the development of traditional power plants and new energy : such as wind energy, solar energy through this ..... promote the development economy in the island waters of Vietnam thanks to the efforts of VN to bring electric power industry to the island. 6.0 INFORMATION SOURCES 1. Nangluonggio.blogspot by Nguyen The Viet 2. 11/06/2006 3. 4. Luanvan 5. baomoi/Cap-dien-tai-cac-huyen-dao-Con-nhieu-kho-khan/45/14161693.epi 6. nangluonggio.blogspot/ 7. nangluonggio/tin-tuc/86-nang-luong-gio-o-viet-nam-con-dieu-gi-chua-the-.html 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 14:05:33 +0000

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