Three Fixed Reference Points to Understand God’s Plan: There are - TopicsExpress


Three Fixed Reference Points to Understand God’s Plan: There are three points of history in verses 5,6, and 7, that form a framework for understanding Gods Word as well as God’s Plan. God affirms as factual, events in the past that are very crucial for anyone who loves the Lord and wants to serve the Lord. Here they are: 1. Fixed Point-1-There was a Genesis-described, Literal Creation of the Universe by the Hand of God through Christ: God the Son, Jesus Christ created everything from nothing, just like it says in His Word. v. 5 For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water. Fixed Point-1-There was a Genesis-described, Literal Creation of the Universe by God the Son. 2. Fixed Point-2-There was a Genesis-described, Literal Flood that destroyed the entire world: God destroyed the world with water, as a judgment on sinful humanity, by flooding the entire earth, saving only Noah and those associated with his ark. v. 6 by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water. Fixed Point-2-There was a Genesis-described, Literal Flood that destroyed the entire world. 3. Fixed Point-3-There will be a Revelation-described, fire-of-God-induced end of days for humanity: God will destroy the world, the final time, with fire. v. 7 But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. Fixed Point-3-There will be a Revelation-described, fire-of-God-induced end of days for humanity. That should change how we look at everything if we believe God. Those three are life-altering truths. But sadly most people do not believe what God has said, and thus have lost their way, and are drifting through life without God’s fixed reference points. These set points in history are to help each of us find our way, according to God. If we would look back at the Flood we would know God means business. The flood came from the Creator who made everything from nothing. That same God is warning of a fiery end to everything as His judgment on humanity’s sinfulness. Now, back to Peter’s intention in this chapter: We Have a Trustworthy Guide for Pleasing God in a Wicked World https://vimeo/57794285
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 01:07:58 +0000

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