Three Hampshire Councils to ban community owned wind farm. No - TopicsExpress


Three Hampshire Councils to ban community owned wind farm. No big surprise but Basingstoke, Test Valley and Winchester Councils have got together and recommended that our planned community owned wind farm at Bullington Cross should NOT be given planning permission. This is despite nearly 3,000 local people writing to the three councils saying they support the wind farm. But the fight is not over. The ban is just a recommendation from junior council officials. The final application will be decided by local councillors and local people. So if we want a community owned wind farm at Bullington Cross we ALL need to email the local councillors. A list of them is Here are some ideas of what to say. The main points are; 1. Wind Farms are clean, quiet and efficient. 2. The alternative is burning more dirty, expensive and imported coal, gas and oil which produce over 85% of our greenhouse gases. 3. Wind farms do not emit poisonous gases such as Nitrous and Sulphur Oxides nor do the produce fly ash or radioactivity. 4. Community ownership means the profits from wind farming go to the local community. 5. Winds farms are supported by 70% of the UK population 6. 3,000 local people want them 7. The biggest threat to our countryside is climate change 8. A vote for banning wind farms is a vote for more global warming So please email your councillor. And why not join us at 10am on June 16th in Winchester to make sure your voice is heard. Details are here. https://facebook/events/714053095303101/. The planning meeting is open to the public; anyone can speak. If you want to have your say then book a speaking slot by contacting the Public Speaking Co-ordinator on 01962 848 339 or email [email protected]. Can you let us know if you are speaking? [email protected]. Many thanks – and don’t forget to pass on the news to friends and colleagues!!
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 12:37:48 +0000

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