Three Requirements: Hey yall. Todays devotion was sort of - TopicsExpress


Three Requirements: Hey yall. Todays devotion was sort of difficult at first for me to write. I was struggling to figure out what to talk about. Surely, one would think it would be easy. Its the Bible for goodness sakes. There are hundreds of things to talk about! What I discovered that I want to share is the three requirements we are called to do. Its found in Micah 5:8. He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God? 1. Do justly. This is kinda basic. Do justly. Do unto others as you want them to do to you. Be fair, be kind, and treat them like Jesus would. 2. Love mercy. This is probably a tricky one. Everyone deserves grace and mercy. They go hand-in-hand. Show people mercy, and love mercy. Christ showed you mercy first. 3. Walk humbly with your God. You know that moment when you were a kid and mom dragged you around the grocery store, but you would mutter under your breath or have an attitude because it took so long? That wasnt walking humbly. ;) Walk humbly with your God. Walk according to His will for your life, and live at peace. If you are wanting to live the way you want to live, that is not walking humbly. Take time to be on the same page with God and walk humbly. Its so rewarding. Speak justice or do justly, Love mercy, and Walk humbly with your God.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 01:01:14 +0000

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