Three THINGS: 1) The #1 sin for most of us isnt the obvious moral - TopicsExpress


Three THINGS: 1) The #1 sin for most of us isnt the obvious moral sins...drinkin cussin and cheatin.....nope its jealousy. Jealousy of relationships, stuff, success, prestige, position....the list is long and different for most of us. Some of you are jealous of talent. I am painfully aware of this....most of you are jealous of my singing talent (this is total sarcasm for those of you that live under a rock)....and some of you harbor a tiny cyst of bitterness in your soul because you wanted to be a singer. Have you said this? I mean, come on people. I can sing better than _______, and they are on a bus today. Ouch, I am plowing folks.....some of you are more in love with the dream than the message. Not all of us are going to be stars. Ask me. I will explain it to you. I measure houses, walk property lines, and shuffle papers to make a living....after working for many years in a successful capacity in music. But guess what? I dont possess talent for music....well not much anyway. But I do possess talent for honesty and facing reality. I am loved, important, and will determine my own destiny. I am not a victim. I am important because I have a relationship with God, family, and friends. So lets wise up friends. Lets refuse to participate. If you feel slighted, a feeling that brings on jealousy, examine it...ask yourself why. Most of our life struggles are brought on by lack of communication, which brings on insecurity, which invites the jealousy in. The victim mentality will then set up shop in your mind. Yep.....its a cycle. DONT be a part of it. It you are jealous of relationships.....get off your butt and invest in people. You cant have real relationships without time spent. If you are jealous of stuff, work harder. If you are jealous of beauty, get over is fleeting. LOL! If you are jealous of talent, hit your knees....thats a killer. It eats people alive, daily. Sorry for the sermon. 2) Finally, Howard Stern and I agree about something. Israel. Stern said, “If you’re anti-Israel, then you’re anti-America. It’s the only democracy over there, it’s the only friend we have who’s willing to fight and stand up for what’s right.” I am praying for Howard. Maybe he will get saved and be a mighty warrior for Christ. I know...I know.....slim chance, but he is so bold...if it happened, he would rock. 3) I have been accused of enjoying describing the dam experience too much. A few of you thought I liked saying dam and expressed your thoughts on this. LOLOL Well....let me tell you up front. If I was a cusser this would have been the week. If I was a drinker, this would have been the week. If I was a smoker...this would have been the week. But truly, I dont cuss....just when I go to the dam I suppose:) However......I admit to ice cream in bed last night, cake the night before.....I think thats TMI probably. Lets just say I have experienced stress eating this week, thats my sin of choice. Jesus take the wheel.......I need to do better. I know many of you get it. Should I start smoking???? LOLOL Summary: Dont be a jealous butt, Howard Stern told the truth for once, and I dont cuss, but I eat cake. I love all of you!!
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 21:29:38 +0000

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