Three engineering students gathered together to discuss the - TopicsExpress


Three engineering students gathered together to discuss the possible designers of the human body. One fellow says, `It was a mechanical engineer. Just look at all the joints.’ The second fellow says, `No, it was an electrical engineer. See the nervous system. Many thousands of electrical connections. The last fellow says, `Actually it was a civil engineer. Who else would run a toxic waste pipeline through a recreational area? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! If you think everything is body, you should understand this joke! Everything is not body. Please understand, you are centered on the body. I am not saying you don’t have any relationship with your body. You have the same amount of relationship with your body that you have with other persons. Body is also other person in your life. So you are centered on the body. Please understand, just this one understanding, ‘I am centered on this body’; means, ‘When this body dies, I am not going to end, everything does not end, the curtain does not fall, it is not that everything is over.’, just this one understanding if it gets drilled into you, if that becomes your cognition, your default cognition starts functioning with the idea, ‘I am centered on this body, but I am not only the body’, then naturally you will look at the whole world, ‘Even if I see and enjoy a cow walking, a goat walking, it is beautiful! I don’t have to put that into my body to enjoy! If I see a fish jumping, that is great! I don’t need to drop that into my mouth to enjoy!’, the taste, the concept of enjoyment will completely change, the concept of fear will completely change, the concept of enlightenment will complete change, the concept of Completion will completely change, the concept of fulfilment will completely change!- PARAMAHAMSA NITHYANANDA (LIVE ON, 23 NOV 2O13)
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 02:59:39 +0000

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