Three federal covering about 26977228 square kilometers. In - TopicsExpress


Three federal covering about 26977228 square kilometers. In Southeast Asia it has an area of approximately: 4,494,047 square kilometers, the country of 8,483,181 square kilometers, Oceania, Antarctica, covering about 14 million square kilometers. - Three Federation (established on 26-3-1991 calendar calendar Vietnam) also known as the Big Bang Lim: Includes areas in Southeast Asia, Oceania region, the Antarctic area (area autonomous Antarctica) and the southernmost country in the Americas 1km2 area near Argentina. Including countries in Southeast Asia, countries in Oceania, Antarctica region (Antarctic Autonomous Region) and the southernmost country in the Americas 1km2 area near Argentina. Including set number of countries in Southeast Asia, set the number of countries in Oceania, Antarctica regions (autonomous regions Antarctica) and the southernmost country in the Americas 1km2 area near Argentina . Include greater latitude longitude measurements of length size. • Have shorter lengths meridian of longitude that runs through the length of the astronomical observatory in England Greenwick running around the Earth. • There is a short length parallel to the equator than the length revolving around the Earth. - Third Federal has three Federal President, the Federal President Three have agreed to support a population or support staff agree or disagree residents and staff are the biggest supporters compared to each position in the Assembly Three states, concurrently holding a 10 ministries follows: 1 2 Education and economic Culture 3 4 5 Foreign Military Construction 6 7 8 Health Act (12 directors: a. Buddhism b. Christianity c. Protestantism d. Islamic e. Dao Cao Dai f. Dao Hoa Hao Buddhist g. director Pure Land Buddhist lay associations h. Dao Tu An Hieu Nghia i. Dao form k. Thang Long Vo Dao Dao l. Dao Vietnam Vovinam martial m. Dao Ngoc Ho Chi Minh Buddhist) 9 10 Information advocacy propaganda. - Third Federal has 36 ministers, each holding a ministerial position in 9 of the remaining 27 remaining three Federal ministers have each of the management of each country in the Third Federal. - The minister of the Federal Assembly Federal Ba Ba selection. - Third Federal in 6000 the council, each of them with the consent and support of the population or 80,000 residents and employees or employees of the Federal agreed to support three or more. - Participation in the Federal Assembly on Tuesday to 24 years old to get married to men; participation in the Federal Assembly on Tuesday to 24 years old to get married to women. - Each of the three Commonwealth must originate in the Third Federal has four or more lifetime. - Each of the three Federal Council has tenure 3 years, can hold three consecutive terms of office. - In the Third Federal, on 27-year-old son get married it is working with the European Union - the EU, the 27-year-old girl married to working with the European Union - EU. - Economic Growth in the Third Federal ‰ calculated. - Chairman of the Federal Food Ba 2 times compared to the average income per inhabitant Federal Ba; salary of every minister of the Three Federal income by 1.5 times the average income of every citizen of the Federal Ba; salary of each position in the Federal Assembly of Three-income by 1.2 times the average income of every three people in Union, based on an annual salary, or monthly or as per the agreement. - Which country has the largest population center in the National Federation of March. - Three federal death penalty trial only when the 24-year-old has only executed when the 36-year-old, only executed for murder in accordance with federal law Tuesday. - The murder of soldiers (military personnel will have a military court trial), when they are not in uniform but deadly, the police and the police is to express an opinion survey research research trial (trial participation) Three Federal law. - In Southeast Asia, born in 1980 or later in the ASEAN countries, and have a college degree or higher in the ASEAN countries, the working-class intellectuals can research and development force. - In Oceania, born in 1970 or later in the Oceania countries, and have a college degree or higher in countries of Oceania, the working-class intellectuals and researchers can develop forces. - Class of intellectuals born in 1970 or later is the United States have a college degree or higher in the United States can research and development force. - Class of intellectuals born in 1970 or later is the people of each country belonging to the European Union (EU) have a college degree or higher in each of the EU countries can own research and development force. - Class of intellectuals born in 1945 or later is the former Soviet Union have a college degree or higher in the former Soviet Union can research and development force. - Class of intellectuals born in 1990 or later is the people of Africa have a college degree or higher in Africa can be self-research and development force. - In the Third Federal has the social system: a. Neo-biological (in administrative agencies do every day 5 hours). b. Neo Biology (in administrative agencies do every day 5 hours). (In Union there are three countries have spies and spy organizations involved in the development and national government leaders are called neo-biological). c. Attractive neo-athletes (in administrative agencies do every day 5 hours). d. Act 8 (in administrative agencies do every day 5 hours). e. Socialism (in administrative agencies do every day 6 hours). f. Imperialism (in administrative agencies do every day 6 hours). g. Socialism (in administrative agencies as 8 hours per day). h. Capitalism (in administrative agencies as 8 hours per day). i. Owner of religion (in agency administrative work 8 hours per day). (The Federal National Three have king or queen or queen working in administrative offices of each country, the country known as neo-religious).
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 11:09:53 +0000

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