Three hours ago a good friend of mine asked me what I thought - TopicsExpress


Three hours ago a good friend of mine asked me what I thought about the Ferguson verdict. I was half asleep and instantly I was unable to sleep. I had to answer before I could close my eyes. I started researching all I could. It was very difficult to separate fact from fiction from both sides. So after hours of debate and deep thought I wrote this VERY long answer. So I decided to share it with everyone. So now I can finally sleep. I look forward to reading your opinions thoughts on the issue. And please refrain from any obviously racist comments. They will be deleted and there is a good chance I will block you. So here it is! Well before I give you my opinion lets break it down. Remember our system is supposed to work so you are innocent until proven guilty. And before I begin Ill share my opinions from a similar race related case from recent years. Which honestly is a shame that race is what has driven these cases. I feel bad for ANYONE involved in these things. So Travon Martin, I predicted correctly when I said Zimmerman would be innocent because he didnt technically break the law. And Travon did start the physical altercation that sadly led to his death. BUT was it race that fueled his decision to follow Travon in the first place? I cant prove it but in my opinion ABSOLUTELY. Sadly there isnt a law that protects people from situations like that. A law wasnt broken but in my opinion a decision was made based on the color of someones skin that created the situation to begin with BUT i cant prove that either, so boom hes innocent due to a technicality. Does that mean Zimmerman is an evil racist? I dont think so. As someone who was raised in the poorest conditions and now works with rich people Ive been lucky enough to see multiple perspectives. And sadly there is a common misconception that if you see a black person walking in a nice neighborhood hes up to no good. And that is simply pathetic. But thats a very common point of view. So I hope that gives you a little bit of information about how I look at things like this, I do my very very best to research both sides, and I pretend I am defending both sides to debate myself. So to answer your question, I think there is too little concrete evidence to convict Wilson. Remember this trial was not a conviction trial it was a trial to see if there was enough of a case to prosecute that was decided by a jury of our peers. And sadly I agree with them. I desperately wish there was enough CONCRETE evidence to have moved forward but there simply just wasnt enough to be able to prove without a shadow of a doubt that Wilson broke the law and illegally ended a humans life. I think the president did a good job asking the people to remain calm. Anonymous did a great job keeping the KKK from bothering innocent and peaceful protesters. And I encourage and would join in peaceful protest that our system is broken and needs to be worked on. But for now this system is the best we have. Try and out your self in Browns shoes, he was nervous and scared from having just robbed a store, you know the very second he saw that car stop he thought the officer already knew and was thinking he was about to go to jail. And there he definitely would have been a victim of lots of unfair racist treatment and so his basic human instincts kicked in, *protect thyself * The fact that brown was in a situation where he felt inclined to rob a store is a sad testament to this social and racist society we have created. Maybe if our society was equal brown would have never robbed the store in the first place. Then put yourself in Wilsons shoes, he was known a nice polite person. Not one person has came out and said he has shown racial tendencies in the past, or was a power hungry cop which a hate with a passion, in fact when this first happened I said *see more police brutality * but this guy isnt that guy. So hes minding his own business when he stops his car for either A. Walking in the street or B. He knew about the robbery. It was never proven which is what. But whatever it was he was ambushed, that part WAS proven. Why brown was 16ft away when he was shot was not proven. There is SOME evidence that brown while fighting Wilson in the car he heard the robbery being talked about on the radio. Here is the tough part and we will N3VER know the truth. Did brown endanger Wilsons life? And why did Wilson fire so many bullets? Wilsons report said that brown first ran away then charged at Wilson so he fired one shot he kept coming h3 fired he still kept coming. Now brown was proven to not be on any drug that could have allowed him to be shot and still keep coming. My personal opinion is that brown did charge Wilson but Wilson should not have fired so many shots. But in his shoes what would you do if youre scared to death. I can almost assure you that if Wilson knew for a fact brown was the robber he would have approached brown much more cautiously and this situation would be nothing more than an arrest. My honest opinion is that neither side had evil intentions and neither could have imagined it ending how it did. And Im certain Wilson is full of regret. I think Wilson should request to sit down and talk to Browns family and explain how sorry he is. And Wilson should not be allowed to return to duty. And I think Wilson should be required to be under the supervision of a mental health therapist for the next while. And to close, I encourage peaceful protest. I highly encourage much debate. Id love to hear your opinions and any others. And I think we need to move on and use this as another reason to make it our mission to change the people think in society and create an equal opportunity society in which black people like brown wouldnt be in a situation he was in, in the first place. Lastly I know this is long but I felt any answer needed an explanation. My fear is that I will be wrapped in with the other bigot racists who are defending Wilson for the fact hes white and brown was black. I dont want to be associated with them at all.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 06:16:45 +0000

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