Three more updates about injured or disabled animals that were - TopicsExpress


Three more updates about injured or disabled animals that were featured on here and who many of you helped with monetary donations, including this one about the kitten reportedly tossed out a window: This is the tiny baby that was seen tossed by someone out of a car. His injuries include a broken rear leg, broken sternum, broken ribs, bruised lungs and nerve damage to his other rear leg. The damage this kitten has survived did not happen when tossed from the car, little kittens are still growing, their ribs are not fully formed, meaning they are still rubbery not easily broken from being tossed out of a car. His broken rear leg was operated on yesterday afternoon and pinned, he will go back mid December to have that removed, his ribs and sternum have to heal on their own. I will be working with him on gaining strength to be able to use his other rear leg. With time he will heal, he has a long road of recovery ahead of him. With all that he has withstood he is happy, purring, eating, drinking and playing. He is very cautious of the other cats and even bopped Jack on the head to tell him to back off. Yes we named him booger, cause he such a cute little booger ;) All of your healing prayers will help him, so please keep him in your prayers. Also, the cat named Joshy who lost a ton of weight for no apparent reason, turns out to have diabetes. Hes now on meds thanks to your generous support. And the three legged dog named Fletch who needed a forever home has found a great new home! A huge thank you to everyone who donated to these sweet dogs and to the family that took Fletch in!
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 22:22:43 +0000

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