Three paragraphs, three articles, all saying that vaccines and - TopicsExpress


Three paragraphs, three articles, all saying that vaccines and allergies are related. When an antiserum is given, the human immune system can mistake the proteins present for harmful antigens. The body produces antibodies, which combine with these proteins to form immune complexes. These complexes enter walls of blood vessels and initiate an inflammatory response. Allergenic extracts, hormones and vaccines can also cause serum sickness. Many diseases related to inflammation such as type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and allergic diseases — hay fever and asthma — have increased in the Western world over the past 2-3 decades. Rapid increases in allergic asthma and other atopic disorders in industrialized nations, it is estimated, began in the 1960s and 1970s, with further increases occurring during the 1980s and 1990s, although some suggest that a steady rise in sensitization has been occurring since the 1920s. The incidence of atopy in developing countries has, in general, remained much lower. TH2 immune disorders such as asthma and other allergic diseases are probably related to the hygiene hypothesis. A baby has many TH2 cells, which stimulate the production of antibodies. When not sufficiently stimulated with early life diseases, the immune system will have too many TH2 cells present, leading to a greater risk of TH2 immune disorder. If a child is exposed to infection diseases then the cell defense will be stimulated via TH1 cells causing a reduction of TH2 cells and subsequently a reduction of antibody stimulation by TH2 and therefore a lower risk of developing an allergic disease such as asthma. Unfortunately, vaccination only uses the TH2 mechanism.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 07:25:10 +0000

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