Three scores and six years ago, rays of a new dawn blessed this - TopicsExpress


Three scores and six years ago, rays of a new dawn blessed this land, one which needed the ultimate sacrifice, of one and many more in the name of the Mother. This day and today, we have one and many more, ready to run a project or promulgate a law, in a manner time bound and to create a product very sound, we call this process To run a Project, for simplicity sake, for all you readers, let me introduce The Democracy Project. When the forefathers dreamt of a vast motherland, with education, health, livelihood and ultimate prosperity, for all, they did not do so, chained by time or compulsion, but did so with free will, belief, and love for the nation, there was no Independence Project, the ultimate revolutionary, with a noose around his or her neck did everything without compensation. Today we have civil society, community organisations and polity, all working day in and day out, for the love of the nation?! with several mission mode projects and international funding, for the ultimate goal, the well being of all those inhabit this land, has to be in three years or maybe five, social transformation, you see, is dependent on comfortable timings of those who reside in towers, lofty ivory ones, in lands far removed from poverty, death and darkness, but wait, oh but you see, without the money or the promise of something, of the kind, the love for the nation is temporarily shelved, and without the annual raise, we simply cannot withstand, the forces of markets and familial demands drive us into corners. Today we run several such farces, you, me, and many of us, who claim to have been processed in the factory of social transformation, with those who are nearing their expiry dates and end of shelf life, but really is there any hope of those who die, those who ply, in misery, for it is the poor of this nation who sacrifice every day and every night, for us to experiment, manipulate and ultimately sign off successfully, The Democracy Project.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 19:19:06 +0000

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