Three things most people missed about the Hobby Lobby Supreme - TopicsExpress


Three things most people missed about the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court case: 1. Hobby Lobby provided and still provides a wide range of types of birth control to its employees but only objected to being forced to provide the morning after pill and copper IUDs. 2. Hobby Lobby provides access to those types of birth control as well via paychecks, as employees receiving free coverage on all their other health care still could pick those up with their own funds received at work or for free by hitting up a local health clinic. 3. Nothing about this case means employers can deny anyone any type of medical care. They can choose not to provide someone with medical care. Everyone reading this status is currently choosing not to provide millions of other people with healthcare, but no one is accusing them of denying those people access to care. Making sure one has adequate healthcare is an individual responsibility, not an entitlement to be projected on others to the extent that theyre being asked to pay for things they dont personally believe in. Imagine if you yourself started a company and grew it to a certain size and then the government came in and started forcing you to spend your money on things you dont believe in. That was more what this case was about. In this case, it was the morning after pill, which I personally find silly, but next time, it could be something that matters to you. For example, what if a vegan animal rights activist started a coffee shop and it grew to be a huge chain, and then the government mandated that all employers provide nutritious lunches that met certain individualized standards, and therefore forced that vegan to provide meat to employees.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 03:41:47 +0000

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