Three things on this Monday night: 1) Robin Williams gave up. He - TopicsExpress


Three things on this Monday night: 1) Robin Williams gave up. He was a genius, but it wasnt enough. He had much success and respect, but it wasnt enough. He was loved, but it wasnt enough. Fame is difficult to handle. Fame is pressure. Always. They say he had depression and was an addict. I get it. Depression is a real condition, but the Holy Ghost is a comforter. He needed Jesus. Brilliance is often a curse, not a blessing. I am reading about Robins religious beliefs, and it appears that he was an atheist. Therein probably lies the problem. He was living for the now and not for eternity. He had done all he wanted to do, possibly? My prayers for his family, especially his children. Suicide is never the answer. If you are reading this, and youre depressed....please call someone that loves you. Ask to talk to a counselor. Tell them the truth. Talk to Jesus, but also talk to people. We ALL MUST process pain. If you dont get the seed of depression OUT of your spirit, it will take you down. We must talk it out A.K.A. process......yes, even you. 2) Only a redneck family from KY would have a birthday party in the rain and let the kids basically roll in the mud puddles. I wont SAY who did that.....but I will say that I know them very well. :) Also, I will say the kids had a blast and the birthday girl made a BIG memory. Its pretty cool to be 7 AND have a mud puddle birthday party!!! 3) I slept so little last night. I wont get deep into the subject matter for my own sake. I dont understand why WE allow the evil to unfold before our eyes. We could take care of these evil men, we could. We stop them, or theyre coming here. We, the most powerful nation in the world, have allowed a terrorist band of thugs to terrorize the world. WE must have a leader as president.....a leader. The president has done nothing to stop these people. This is the same as the holocaust. THE same. Lets keep the faith, pray, and demand answers.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 03:17:49 +0000

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