Three weeks ago I posted about taking my daughter and two of her - TopicsExpress


Three weeks ago I posted about taking my daughter and two of her friends teepeeing. Last night it was payback time. The dreaded “boys” nailed our house. (Teepeeing is where you cover a house in toilet paper) I mean they killed us. They even wet the toilet paper and made it into balls. That way it stuck to the windows and the side of the house. They were good! We were at my nephew’s football game when it happened. We got back at 11:30 last night. At first my daughter didn’t want to help me clean it up. She said: “I’m tired. Plus I didn’t sign up for this.” I said: “Yes you did. If you’re going to have fun teepeeing houses, you also have to be willing clean up the mess when we get hit. So lets go!” It took us over an hour to pick up everything. We didn’t finish until about 12:45 in the morning. There was toilet paper everywhere. My daughter even carried the ladder out of our garage, so she could get the pieces way up in the trees. And then every time a car would drive by she would run and hide. I said: “What are you doing?” She said: “I don’t want anyone to see me cleaning this up. It’s embarrassing.” I thought we got everything. But this morning, when it went outside, I realized there was a lot we missed. However, wouldn’t you know it, my daughter was going to the Nutcracker with my wife. So she couldn’t help. I asked my older daughter to help. She said: “Dad, don’t look at me. I have to study for finals.” So I had to finish the job by myself. I did learn something from all of this. Last night while we were cleaning it up, I kept thinking that I just wanted to finish, so I get inside to watch the Ultimate Fighting Championship on Fox. I had it on DVR. But then I checked myself. Someday in the “not too distant” future, both my girls will be off to college. And you know what? Im going to be sitting at home “wishing” someone would teepee our house! In the meantime, now it’s our turn. Those “dreaded” boys better watch out. Payback is going to be fun.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 22:06:08 +0000

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