Three years ago I had a operation to remove my gall bladder , I - TopicsExpress


Three years ago I had a operation to remove my gall bladder , I had been in pain for a year and half with it . So on July 11th 2011 I had my operation for six weeks afterwards I felt great , yeah ok I had pain from my op but I thought I was on the mend . Then six weeks after my op I started to hurt where I had my gall bladder removed . In the years to come I had test and cameras put where cameras shouldnt go ever, x-rays and blood test . Nothing ! It took them two years to tell me it was nerve damage , which was a very simple test to press on my scar of my op , I nearly fell of the bed because of the pain . So happy I that I know what the pain is ( from when you are cut in the operation wrong and the nerves dont heal ) bit more care in the operation and I would be ok now . I then was told there is nothing I can take to heal me and it will take ten years plus to get better. So I am on tablets that block the pain signals in my brain so I cant feel it and painkillers to , the pain hasnt got better, it worse now I wouldnt like to know what Im like without the tablets .Some days I am ok almost like the pain wasnt their and other days walking is just to hard, Im a wreck ! I wrote this post on Friday to post and then deleted it , I told Garry he asks me why . Because I dont want people feeling sorry for me but do want to tell people about it . I am a happy person and if you saw me you wouldnt know that without tablets I couldnt walk far !. But I have two business I run and and been in a mag ! I have a wonderful family and great friends who take me to bike rallies which I still headbang and drink too much and love riding on the back of our bike . Well I am on a misson this year to get better because had enough of four and a half years sitting in the bloody chair , so doctors get your thinking caps on because I am on the way to do your heads in !! I will be the old me again .
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 11:17:02 +0000

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