Three years ago I retired from a ten-year career in animal - TopicsExpress


Three years ago I retired from a ten-year career in animal control, and law enforcement. The last 6 years I was in AC Admin. I saw a lot of things which people consider shocking, but the weirdest thing I ever saw was this preoccupation/obsession with pit bull dogs. I love dogs. I always have and always will. I reduced the euthanasia rate from 58% to 15% in 5 years, with much work and dedication. I banned the gas chamber and transferred all euthanasia to Licensed Veterinarians, but the hysteria of pit bull lovers never ceased to amaze me. It was like these dogs were the equivalent of ancient divine cats of Egypt. When you tried to show evidence they did not want to hear it. You could show them in black and white, Insurance Morbidity Statistics (Insurance company actuary tables are eerily accurate) showed 49% of all fatal attacks came from on breed, that was, at the time, only 1% of all dogs breeds-and it made no difference whatsoever. When I prepared a very well researched presentation for the city council, the courtroom was FILLED with pit bull owners who shouted down the 2 people who showed up to support me. When SPCA successfully made it politically incorrect to single our pit bulls as they called it, I knew we had lost. Its the deed, not the breed, was one of the dumbest things I have ever encountered. I had a policy of dogs which had been in the shelter the longest were euthanized first. FIFO (with some exceptions of course). Pit bull owners didnt care if I killed every nice dog in the kennel to save a pit bull. It was downright strange. These were people who originally didnt want to see any dog die, but when pit bulls became popular they acted like they were the only breed alive. It was totally 100% emotional. I cannot see how we can make laws based on such a subjective mentality. It still staggers my mind. I also noticed the type of people (generally) attracted to such dogs were usually people whom did not have the responsibility to own a Chihuahua, much less a pit bull. My favorite breed is Rotties, and I know that they are second on the list, but I was responsible with them, and they never bit anyone, and never even threatened a person. The problem is that you cannot look at a dog owner, and label him/her responsible or not. You have to wait until something happens. Then more often than not, it is not reported until the dog becomes completely unmanageable. Pit bull owners are highly organized. Opponents are not. Furthermore, I never saw such lying and deceit as I saw with the pit bull owners. They would lie about the breed, mix them with boxers, and even made a bogus breed of American Bull Dogs, to defeat viscous dog laws. Finally the legislature just dropped it, much to the consternation of many of my constitutes. Years latter I still have not figured out what there is about that breed that has short-circuited the brains of so many people!
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 14:53:48 +0000

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