Three years ago, on 20 October 2011, Muammar al-Gaddafi was - TopicsExpress


Three years ago, on 20 October 2011, Muammar al-Gaddafi was supposedly assassinated. This marked the end of a campaign expressly aimed at the assassination of a head of state and overthrow of a sovereign country in direct violation of international standards that have held sway since the Nuremberg trials at the end of World War II and the establishment of the Geneva Conventions. The assassination was done by the hands of NATO-backed, Al Qaeda-linked forces. However it is confirmed that the strike that resulted in the death of Gaddafi was initiated, organized, coordinated and led by NATO and SAS forces. The attack began when Gaddafi was fleeing Sirte in a convoy of 75 vehicles. Drone pilots at Creech Air Force base in Nevada launched a round of Hellfire missiles from a Predator drone aircraft, destroying the lead vehicle and prompting a French bomber to release two laser-guided 500 pound bombs into the center of the convoy. British SAS troops, meanwhile, coordinated the ground forces that eventually captured Gaddafi. According to the propaganda story that Western media spun, Gaddafi was found hiding in a drainage pipe. However, this was not true. THAT WAS GUTTER RUPERT MURDOCH SUN PRESS UK Human Rights Watch has compiled an extensive report on the martyrdom of Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi. This video gives a condensed version of that report and it is a beautiful tribute to Al-Gaddafi. Human Rights Watch has compiled an extensive report on the martyrdom of Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi. It describes a battle with Colonel Al Gaddafi, General Abu Bakr Younis, and Libyan soldiers against the NATO rats that the USA had called in to finish the job they had attempted from the skies. Al Gaddafi was armed with an assault rifle, plus the famous gold plated pistol, that the rats later displayed as a trophy. After the NATO air attack on their convoy, the patriots had crossed open fields, under fire, and had taken up a position in a trench, which had been dug, by the Great Libyan Jamahiriya, to protect water pipes coming from a water treatment plant nearby. The patriots were defending their position in arms. The Libyan soldiers threw grenades at the advancing rats, but, tragically, one of the grenades struck a concrete wall, and bounced back into the trench, immediately killing General Younis, and seriously injuring Colonel al-Gaddafi in the head. The seriously injured Colonel was then captured, as a POW, by the rats, tortured and then murdered. Over 100 Libyan soldiers were also killed in the battle, many of them after they had been captured as POWs. HRW admits that the murder of the POWs was a war crime. Another 150 Libyan soldiers had been killed in the NATO airstrike on the convoy, which was attempting to break out of Sirte. The cowardly Western media have spent the last year telling lies that Al Gaddafi was hiding in a pipe. In reality, he was fighting in a trench, as a patriot and soldier. It was very fitting that that trench is associated with clean water, as the Colonel had build the greatest humanitarian project of all time, The Great Man Made River, which now supplies Africa with as much clean water as the Nile flowing for 200 years. Leonor Massanet Arbona: Yes I agree completely and i want todo add that the goal of NATO was not only Gadafi but all libyan liders of tribes, committes,... As they have proved by bombing and killing prived houses, imprision, torture and persecute any libyan who have any lidership un the Country. They are distroing any simbol and all libyan history. Gadafi had a meeting with the attaking countries and he said he was ready todo leave the Country or do whatever they want but he ask them dont bomb libya. Wester countries said to himno NO. They said they were going todo delete Libya and kill him because if they would leave him alive he would back with an army This is real terrorism
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 10:44:26 +0000

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