Through powerful illustrations by Weronika Kolinska and a poignant - TopicsExpress


Through powerful illustrations by Weronika Kolinska and a poignant poem, all put together beautifully by Moshe Sherf, in just 1.43 minutes we see the sad reality of a dairy calfs short life. Please watch and share widely. This video is not graphic. Remember that cows only produce milk because theyve had a baby. Their milk is supposed to be for their calves, but in the dairy industry calves are considered unwanted by-products.. When we drink milk we condemn an innocent calf to death and his mother to a life of slavery. The abuse and suffering that we inflict upon dairy cows is nothing short of appalling. The only reason a cow produces milk is to feed her calf... yet within hours of her giving birth her baby is taken away, leaving both the mother and her youngster desperate with grief and confusion... and all so that we can take the milk for ourselves. And the babies? Terrified, orphaned and alone, they face confinement and death to make veal, or a short, brutal life of slavery like their mother. Dairy cows who in nature would live beyond 25 years are shipped to the slaughterhouse, tired out and totally spent, emotionally and physically, at the age of four or five. By living vegan we are rejecting this cruel practice and saying Not in my name! There are many alternatives to dairy these days in the form of cruelty-free plant milks, dairy free cheeses, yoghurts and more. Your guide to going dairy free: Types of plant milk: https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10151508493263769&set=a.10150345905043769.366365.101225828768&type=3&theater Illustrations by Veronica (Weronika Kolinska -veganmisanthrope.tumblr) Poem by Mary Lynn
Posted on: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 12:06:01 +0000

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