Through the early 1770s George had to go through some domestic - TopicsExpress


Through the early 1770s George had to go through some domestic trials as the colonies and Great Britain counted down to war. Young Jackies behavior was becoming more worrisome while he was away at school. At one point George wrote to the schoolmaster: I would beg leave to request that he may not be suffered to sleep from under your own roof, unless it be at such places as you are sure he can have no bad examples set him; nor allow him to be rambling about of nights in company with those who do not care how debauched and vicious his conduct may be. In 1771 an 18 year old Jackie wanted to take a grand tour of Europe. George was able to veto this plan on the grounds that Jackie was still to young to profit from such a journey. By 1773 Jackie was determined to marry and George worried that he was still too young and lacking in education. With some effort he got Jackie to agree to hold off for two years while he continued his studies. In the mean time Patsys health was getting worse every year and she was suffering from more and more seizures. George and Martha had at least eight doctors examine Patsy over the years but none were able to bring relief. The worried parents tried to comfort Patsy with extra clothes, jewelry, and trinkets and once even bought her an iron ring that was supposed to have magical powers to stop seizures. Tragically, Patsy died during a seizure on 19 June 1773. According to one observer, as the 17 year old girl slipped away George knelt by her bed and ...solemnly recited the prayers for the dying, while tears rolled down his cheeks and his voice was often broken by sobs.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 22:27:20 +0000

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