Through the past few days I have read many post from people in the - TopicsExpress


Through the past few days I have read many post from people in the North and NW, even some who now live in the South, laughing about how we have reacted to the Winter Storm of 2014. So, this is the way I feel about it. Let a hurricane come your way, and lets see how prepared some of these areas are! We know how to handle hurricanes because that is what happens in the south, ice storms are few and far between (thank God). I would imagine that the families of those who went off the bridge in our county and died because of ice on the road are not laughing. I bet they wish the bridges had been closed even earlier. Sorry, but I dont think that thousands of people without electricity for hours, and with no way to get heat, and cant get out to get anywhere because of the ice is funny. I dont think that those who didnt know how to walk on ice and fell and broke their bones think this is funny. I know a lot of people have fun with us Southerners when something as strange as ice and snow hits us, but I dont think those in the South would laugh much if you got hit by a category 3 hurricane, we would understand, and would probably be right there to help. Now, how about a little understanding for those of us who are not used to ice falling from the sky, understand that we dont have the equipment to clear bridges for traffic, so we do the best we can, and shut them down for safety. I am personally proud of our emergency officials who closed down dangerous roads, and bridges. Our county responded in an incredible manner, and it appears that we will have only 2 deaths because of the icy roads, (as one person is still missing in the water when a truck went over the side), even with that our rescue teams were in the water trying to find this person even in this extreme cold. I call that a great response. So, please understand, there are those who didnt think what was happening was funny at all. I know many of you were just kidding us, but when people are in a serious situation, some things are not funny anymore. Sorry, but after days of reading some of the remarks, I had to put in how I felt during this time. I prayed for those without electricity, especially the elderly, I prayed for those who were working on the electrical wires. I prayed for those to be safe that had to go into work like our medical personnel. I never laughed one time, or thought how silly we were being. Thanks Santa Rosa County officials for your wise decisions for the people in your county, sorry if everyone else was inconvenienced in getting to Disneyworld or places further down South. Okay, now all of that is off my chest, the sun is out and I am happy the ice is melting, and I still love everyone even if you laughed at us.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 15:12:43 +0000

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