Throughout His Word, God commanded people to do something first - TopicsExpress


Throughout His Word, God commanded people to do something first before He answered their prayers. God told Moses to strike the rock, and then He would bring forth water [Exodus 17:6]. Before Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, He told the mourners to first take away the stone that covered the entrance of Lazarus’ tomb; then He brought Lazarus back to life [John 11:39–44]. Jesus told the blind man to go wash in the Pool of Siloam [John 9:1–7] and the ten lepers to go show themselves to the priests [Luke 17:12–14]. They manifested their faith by obedience, and then God did the miracle. “We walk by faith, not by sight” [2 Corinthians 5:7]. God likes to test our faith. He likes to see how much we really believe, and He often will not answer our prayers or let us see where He’s leading us until we obey what He’s already told us or showed us. Many times we just have to step out by faith, even if we can’t see the ground we’re going to put our foot on. We have to take that first step by faith in order to receive His blessings. But if we take that step of faith and it’s God’s will, He will do the humanly impossible! Step by step, as we follow Him, He will lead and guide and reward our faith with more and more answers to our prayers. By LIONBOY GUD MORNING PALS
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 06:04:10 +0000

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