Throughout my entire life I never knew FOR SURE what I was - TopicsExpress


Throughout my entire life I never knew FOR SURE what I was supposed to do. I wasnt one of those kids that knew what I wanted to grow up and be? I was always baffled by that thought, that question, that.... whatever I was supposed to know. I remember when I was about 14 years old one morning who I believed to be Jesus came and stood next to me while I was in bed. I dont recall a conversation but I do recall knowing he was my family and I even thought about going into the ministry but traditional religion never proved to be my path. My relationship with Jesus was personal on that level. Over the years I grew further away from traditional religion; however, my relationship with Jesus grew immensely. It grew to the place where we communed and continue to commune everyday, all the time through meditation and life. I believe traditional religion made me sad, made me angry, made me not want to have anything to do with it. It seemed so divisive and that is not what any of our great teachers or ascended masters taught. It seemed to rip families, countries and nations asunder. Not that I believed the people were bad, but I did and still do believe we as societies and humanity made what Jesus represents a belief system that made a mockery of what an amazing man, an amazing spirit, the light of who he was, is and represents. For that reason I spent my life searching, learning, being open to honoring all people, all belief systems, all behavior systems. Never wanting to place myself above or below any of them but rather taking my path as Christ Consciousness guided me. It was my belief and still is that Jesus was my guide and teacher for being an example to my brothers and sisters just as he was. He came here to teach us how to do it. So I want to do it. I want to do what he taught always. Ive walked with and alongside every kind of human that Ive been made aware of, to learn from them, to learn to love them for who they are. Ive learned so much from each of them no matter how different they were or may still be than myself. I love to the fullest depth of my soul..... not only Jesus, but all of the teachers that have come to this planet to teach, guide and share their teachings and learnings with us here on earth so that we may get it, and live it. I believe and know we are experiencing a Christ Concsiousness awakening no matter how ugly and destructive and mankind may be, and those seekers who are opening to expanding are now in the millions on this planet. We are here and we are everywhere. We are not traditionalists in any form or sort. We are awakening everyday and in every way from small cities to great countries. There is no stopping this coming awakening for it is here with us now and it is so joyful and blissful that I find myself in blissful tears often. For those of you that know me well, those of you that have been my teachers, my mentors, my guides, those Ive loved, and those Ive loved and lost, I thank you from my innermost being for the lessons you each have gifted me with. Whether we were flowers together in the garden sharing a brief moment or an entire season I am in gratitude beyond measure. For the first time in my life I know what is next for me. Something so vibrationally strong and powerful that I have never experienced. I am open to the guidance of my soul as it communes and dances with the Christ Consciousness that is within me and within each and every one of us as spirit or as human, plant or animal. I wish I could share my life experiences by touching fingers like ET or Spock, I wish I could share the bliss I can now experience because of my journey with you. You have been my teachers and guides and I hope whatever example I have become in the lives of those Ive touched will and can continue to grow and lift up this planet into the Consciousness of God, Source and Universe. I know what is mine to do now for the first time in my life, exactly what I came here to do on this planet. It is my intention now as I enter into the path of the Unity Ministry and Seminary, to love, serve and be the student to God and Creation. Over the next four months I will be completing my Course Prerequisites for the Ministry Path Through Unity Institute. By January it is my intention to have completed the prerequisites and apply to Unity Seminary. It is my intention to be accepted into and begin the Seminary Program by spring term in April. It is my intention to walk the path in front of me and BE who I came here to BE. There are many in traditional religious organization leaders that see the movement of Unity as the future of Spirituality and as a powerful and loving reality of spiritual growth around the planet. My years of study and learning have lead me here, and for me, I know it is the path I must travel. We all call ourselves many names, we all have various belief and behavior systems. Lets honor the expansion of this Christ Consciousness and allow it to take its form in Divine Guidance that shines through us as vessels of light. The following two or more years I will continue on the Unity path in Kansas City, Mo. This commitment to God, Source, Universe (whatever you may choose to name the ONE), is my path. Thank you for your blessings of love, your blessings of light, your blessings as my teachers and I share and offer blessings beyond measure to all of humanity as we lift the planet into ascension. I know and have seen how powerful the movement of conscious seeking individuals is on the planet. I see you, I love you, I am your brother and those of you who may read this and know me... understand and comprehend completely this gift we are given and that we must personally work at as spiritual beings living this human experience. It takes not only hard work, it takes soul work. It takes the I out of me and communes with all that is. As our souls tap into this consciousness may our lights shine brightly. In gratitude and thanksgiving, Your Brother In Light, Bates Reed
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 01:10:33 +0000

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