Throughout my teens, my back, chest, & butt grew mass quantities - TopicsExpress


Throughout my teens, my back, chest, & butt grew mass quantities of painful swollen, cheese-filled abscesses. Obsessively popping & draining them relieved the pain. The more complicated boils, with multiple cores & sublevels, sometimes took weeks to drain completely. I cannot describe the satisfaction of finally feeling the last chunk of material squirt out of one, and finally having my inflamed flesh lie flat again. In the decades since, constructing sculptures out salvaged materials, Ive gotten splinters embedded all over my body, of wood, glass, ceramic, metal, plastic, and even quills & feathers. Ive grown skilled at digging foreign bodies out of my flesh with home surgical tools. When tiny fragments go deep, sometimes the best approach is let them fester til the body generates a bubble of pus around the splinter to help propel the material back out again. When i see anyone with a huge, angry, unpopped zit, or an infected swelling around a splinter, i feel an intensely primal urge to pin them down and groom them... to rupture the swelling with a sterilized needle... then squeeze till the infection/foreign matter squirts out of their body so the flesh around it can heal. (and yes, i have done this to other people and im fairly good at it too) That being said, I totally support folks having sovereignty over their own bodies & i intellectually dig the sci-fi aspect of body modification. But as a basic, physical urge, when i see anyone with any form of cosmetic implants, whether it be in the butt, titts, face or wherever, my fingers get twitchy and all i want to do is pop that swelling of foreign matter out of their flesh. #Kardashian
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 19:59:49 +0000

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