Throughout our lives we meet many, many people. Some will pass - TopicsExpress


Throughout our lives we meet many, many people. Some will pass through quickly, while others will remain in our world forever. Because we absorb the energy of others, the people we choose to keep close, have a HUGE impact on our health, happiness and overall success. Thats why we must choose who we surround ourselves with very carefully! Take a moment right now and think about the relationships in your life… Are there people that youve been holding on to that are actually bringing you down? If you have toxic relationships in your life, these people are most likely slowing you down from achieving your goals… Affecting your stress and anxiety levels, taking up space where positive energy should be… And it may mean that its time to let the relationship go. So how do you know which people to hold on to, and which to let go of? And how do you actually let go of someone thats been in your life for a long time? Try these 3 simple steps: 1. Identify the toxic relationships: Instead of lifting you up, toxic people bring you down. He or she may constantly gossip or complain, judge you or shoot down your goals. If a person is making you feel unworthy, this is probably not someone you want in your life any longer. 2. Look within: What are you doing to attract these people to you? Are you practicing enough self-love? Or are you making yourself a victim? What energy is keeping you bound to this relationship? If something is lacking within yourself, you should identify what it is and find ways to infuse more self-love and respect into your life. 3. Let them go: Understand that toxic people are most likely suffering inside themselves. What we do to others, reflects what we feel within. Remember that and be kind. Try to let the relationship go without inflicting pain on them with harsh words or a fight. If possible, let them out of your life subtly by cutting back the time you spend with them drastically. If the relationship is harder to leave, have an honest conversation and simply tell them you need a break for your own well-being. Although they may be upset, its your life and your happiness at stake, so dont feel guilty! When you remove toxic relationships from your life, youll have much more room for POSITIVE people, energy & opportunities :) Have a wonderful day.. ~B
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 18:33:59 +0000

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