Throughout our time working in Thailand, we have cared and found - TopicsExpress


Throughout our time working in Thailand, we have cared and found homes for a variety of furry friends, mainly dogs. One such dog made a great impression on me and he still holds a special place in my heart (and he always will). We had a chance meeting in November 2013 and our souls imprinted; something about him resonated with a younger version of myself - awkward, strange and a desire for someone to truly see me. Meet Hercules (also known as Mr Cuddles); laid back, lovable and loves to cuddle! Hercules found us one night when we were eating at a local restaurant, he strolled over to our table and sat himself down. He had a huge open wound to his head and scars in his ears, clearly he had been in a fight and was riddled with itchy fleas and mites. He didnt bother us, he just sat silently at our table watching and waiting. He was so tired that his eyes would gently shut, his head would bob and droop until he jerked and startled himself and again his eyes would shut. I have a soft spot for scabby dogs and he immediately had my full attention; I watched him carefully, I fed him some food and he even let me clean his head wound a little. All he wanted was to be stroked, he would just sit with the top of his head pressed against my leg. We had never seen this handsome boy before, but after that night he kept popping up everywhere! We decided to wash him, clean his wounds and feed him whenever we saw him. This continued and lead on to monthly flea and tick treatments, feeding more regularly until soon he became one of the gang. He was such a charmer and even though he loved to roll around in wonderful smells he gained cuddles from everyone he met. As I got to know him more and more, I discovered that he was unlike any dog I had ever met before. It was as though he was an alien dog that had landed here, he didnt know that he was a dog and he did not know how dogs behaved. He was unsure around any other dogs and it took him a long time to become friendly with other dogs (apart from Harrison, he loved Harrison!). He didnt know how to play and would just stare at the other dogs playing, growling as they would occasionally bump into him. All he cared about were cuddles and LOTS of them! We saw Hercules most days, but not everyday, sometimes he would be gone a few days but he always returned eager for cuddles and food. Sadly it has now been over 3 months since we last saw this beautiful boy. I worry and think about him every day, ever hopeful that he will return, but fear as with Indie that may not happen. The devastating issue of trucks picking up dogs for the dog meat trade has been raised before when dogs have gone missing in the village and that thought brings more sadness than you can imagine. Please help us to save our furry family from this fearful fate and help them get to the UK, where they can have a life of love, happiness and be together as a family. Every pound donated goes directly towards the dogs vet bills, transportation costs, preparation for their flights and accommodation for them to have rests in between travel. You can donate to our dog rescue campaign here: gofundme/helpmyfurryfamily You can follow our dog blog and progress here: helpmyfurryfamily.wordpress
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 10:43:04 +0000

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