Throughout the early years of the 21st century there have been - TopicsExpress


Throughout the early years of the 21st century there have been many moments of true terror and horror within our world. Thanks to an ever globalised media we have seen human tragedy and unspeakable acts of terror. Yet the sounds of Israelis cheering as missiles reigned down on the Gaza strip will live long in the memory of those with any semblance of a conscience. Perhaps it is due to the persecution of the practitioners of the Jewish faith in history that makes this more shocking than it would in other conflicts. As a religion or indeed as they define themselves, a race; the genocide of Jews in Nazi Germany and Occupied Lands will forever be a scar in our human psyche. Yet the actions of the Israeli Government, condoned and backed by the United States and other Western countries towards Palestinians are tantamount to the persecution and destruction the forefathers of the Israeli state had to once endure. Make no mistake, the recent actions by the Israeli Government, enforced by one of the most technologically advanced forces in the world are quickly becoming a mirror image of the persecution Jews faced in Germany under Nazi rule. In the early 1930’s a newly formed Nazi Government sought to wipe the Jewish people into extinction. The desire for this was based on hatred and a desire to create a richer life for it’s people at the expense of those who they felt were beneath them and did not deserve the same rights as the ‘German people.’ It is because of this that the stance of Israel in dominating the natural resources of the area, including water and agricultural land; rights of land and housing are denied to Palestinians who make up 20% of Israel’s population is even more perplexing. However the actions of Israel do not solely convene the blame to them alone. The support by the United States towards Israel, allowing them to maintain the occupation and expansion of Jewish settlements within the region. The United Kingdom itself has blood on it’s hands by not only supporting Israel throughout the Middle East crisis, but also playing a major role in creating the state of Israel within the nation of Palestine, which at the time was under British control. The refusal to acknowledge the democratically elected government of Palestine by insistence that they are a terrorist organisation may play well within western media, yet how many Arab States could say the same of the US and at one time the British Empire? An occupied people being attacked, harassed, raided and destroyed by a political and military force intent on homogeneous society in their name and likeness does indeed rekindle thoughts of Germany in the 30’s and 40’s and as such those within the Israeli Government and the military that enforce said governments decisions should hang a heavy weight of shame around their necks; as should the nations who allow this to occur by supporting such a regime. As a Dundee lad, what makes me most proud of my city is that not only are we twinned with the Palestinian city of Nablus, but also that we campaigned to have the Palestinian flag displayed in our city square amongst other sovereign nations. This must be continued throughout Scotland. Labour for Independence along with a great many organisations and political parties within the yes movement, have often said that an independent Scotland should seek a different kind of foreign policy. A softer politik in which negotiations and understanding come before military force. There can be no greater proof of this if Scotland’s first act within the international community would be to recognise the state of Palestine. By doing so, we are not seeking the removal of the nation of Israel, rather an acknowledgement that in the pursuit of real peace within the area, both nations must be recognised as equals to ensure a fair and lasting peace. Until that time comes we will continue to condemn the actions of the oppressive military regime of Israel and support our comrades in Palestine of their rights to not only live within their rightful land, but gain access to the natural resources required to properly take care of their people. Labour for Independence supports our brothers and sisters of Palestine and will continue to fight against the persecution and illegal military assault of a people within their own land. Only when Palestine is recognised and treated as equals that true peace can be achieved.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 10:32:17 +0000

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