Thug Love 04 . . . . . . . . Princess P.O.V . When - TopicsExpress


Thug Love 04 . . . . . . . . Princess P.O.V . When Daniel and I walked in we went straight to the dance floor. Out of all songs in the world the Dj plays Panty Droppa by Trey Songs. The song is one of my favorite songs. Daniel was behind me while I was grinding on him. Yea he is my best friend but im sure he doesnt mind any of this. The song was over as soon as it finished. After that little dance we went to the bar. When I sat down it took no less then 30 seconds for someone to try and talk to me. ” hey beautiful. Can I buy you a drink?” This girls voice was as smooth as butter. When I turned around I saw this stunning girl. Her hair was straight down with a middle part. Her skinny jeans clung to her figure beautifully. I saw a little dangle of sparkle which brought the attention of her belly ring. She had on a simple blue halter top with heels. Then I looked up to her face. ” yeah sure.” I said as she joined the seat next to me. ” what would you like.” She asked as I took in her tongue ring. Oh shit. She was really beautiful. ” surprise me ” I said that while scanning the crowd for Daniel. And then I found his crazy self talking to a girl. We made eye contact and he winked. I then turned my attention to the beauty who asked to buy me a drink. ” You know if I didnt know any better I would think you were into thag guy.” She said. ” o no.” I said with a small laugh ” thats my best friend Daniel” She nodded her head. Then she looked at me. Like she was trying to take everything in. I too had a tongue piercing along with my hips and snake eyes. ” here you go ladies.” The bartender said then went about his business. They were shots of vodka. Bottoms Up. it felt good. I loved the burning sensation and how loose and relaxed it made me feel. ” so beautiful whats your name.?” She asked. ” call me princess” I said. ” well princess my name is Sabrina.” I watched as her lips moved because the music was really loud and I couldnt hear her. But I dont think she minded cause when she was finished I would look up at her eyes again to see her smiling. Wet the Bed by Chris Brown came on. ” Do you want to dance?” I asked her. ” yeah sure.” We both got up and walked to the dance floor hand in hand. When we got there she wasted no time pulling me closer to her and started grinding on me. I didnt mind though instead I just moved in sync with her. When the song was finished random mixes stated playing and we had fun. Now I was getting tired. We sat down. ” it was nice meeting you Sabrina. But I have to get going.” With that her bottom lip poked out and loomed so kissable. ” really? Well do you need a ride.?” ” No I see my best friend. Thanks though. But before I leave can I see your phone.” I asked. I wanst gonna leave without giving her my number. She gave me er phone and I put my number in there. I kissed her cheek and walked away and towards Daniel. He looked so stressed the way this girl was talking off his ears. ” hey babe are you ready to go?” I asked. The girl looked caught off guard and a little hurt. ” yeah babe lets get home.” With we left out and Daniel did sleep over. We cuddled and fell asleep I each others arms. I love my best friend. -Adrii
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 06:03:18 +0000

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