Thunder, Perfect Mind (Nag Hammadi Library IV.2) I was sent - TopicsExpress


Thunder, Perfect Mind (Nag Hammadi Library IV.2) I was sent forth from the power and have come to you who reflect on me and am found by those who seek me Look at me, you who reflect on me, and you who hear, hear me. You waiting for me, take me into yourselves. Dont banish me from your vision. Dont let anger enter your voice against me or let anger enter your hearing. In no place, in no time, be unknowing of me. Be alert. Dont be ignorant of me. For I am the first and the last. I am the honored one and the scorned one. I am the whore and the holy one. I am the wife and the virgin. I am the mother and the daughter... I am a silence that is incomprehensible and an idea remembered often. I am a voice whose sound is manifold and a word whose appearance is multiple. I am the utterance of my name. Why, you who hate me, do you love me, and hate those who love me? You who deny me, confess me, and you who confess me, deny me. You who tell the truth about me, lie about me, and you who have lied about me, tell the truth about me. You who know me, be ignorant of me, and those who have not known me, let them know me. For I am knowledge and ignorance. I am shame and boldness. I am strength and I am fear. I am war and peace. Hear what I say. I am the disgraced and the grand being. Do not be arrogant to me when I am cast out upon the earth, and you will find me in those that are to come. And do not look upon me on the dung-heap nor go and leave me cast out, and you will find me in the kingdoms. And do not look upon me when I am cast out among those who are disgraced and in the least places, nor laugh at me. And do not cast me out among those who are slain in violence. I am compassionate and cruel. Do not hate my obedience or love my self-control. When I am weak, do not forsake me, and do not be afraid of my power. For why do you despise my fear and curse my pride? I am she who exists in every fear, and in my strength when I tremble. I am she who is weak, and carefree in a pleasant place. I am foolish, I am wise. Why have you hated me in your counsels? For I shall be silent among those who are silent, and I shall appear and speak. Why then have you hated me, you Greeks? Because I am a barbarian among the barbarians? For I am the wisdom of the Greeks and the knowledge of the barbarians. I am the judgement of the Greeks and of the barbarians. I am the one whose image is great in Egypt and the one who has no image among the barbarians. I am hated everywhere and loved everywhere. I am called life, and you have called me death. I am called law, and you have called me lawlessness. I am the one whom you have pursued, and I am the one whom you have seized. I am the one whom you have scattered, and you have gathered me together. I am the one before whom you have been ashamed, and you have been shameless to me. I am she who does not keep festival, and I am she whose festivals are many. I am godless, and I am the one whose God is great. I am the one whom you have reflected upon, and you have scorned me. I am unlearned, and they learn from me. I am the one whom you have hidden from, and you appear to me. But whenever you hide yourselves, I myself will appear. For whenever you appear, I myself will hide from you. I am the knowledge of my search, and the finding of those who seek after me, and the command of those who ask of me, and the power of the powers in my knowledge of the angels, who have been sent at my word, and of gods in their seasons by my counsel, and of spirits of every man who exists with me, and of women who live in me. I am the one who is honored, and who is praised, and who is despised scornfully. I am peace, and war has come because of me. I am the substance and one without substance. Those who are without association with me are ignorant of me, and those who are in my substance are the ones who know me. Those who are close to me have been ignorant of me, and those who are far away from me are the ones who have known me. On the day when I am close to you, you are far away from me, and on the day when I am far away from you, I am close to you. I am control and the uncontrollable. I am union and dissolution. I abide and dissolve. I am below and they come up to me... I am sinless, and the root of sin comes from me. I am lust outwardly, yet within me is control... I am one who cries out and I listen. I am the hearing all can reach. I am speech undecipherable... Listen to me then, you hearers and you also, the angels and those who have been sent, and you spirits who have risen from the dead. I alone exist and have no one to judge me. Many pleasures exist in many sins, uncontrolled passions, and disgraceful desires, and fleeting pleasures, embraced by people until they sober up and float up to their place of rest. There they will find me, and they will live, and they will not die again.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 22:04:00 +0000

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