Thursday, 04 December 2014 CAN ANY GOVT BE SO DUMB FOR DECADES? - TopicsExpress


Thursday, 04 December 2014 CAN ANY GOVT BE SO DUMB FOR DECADES? A whitewash to cover dark side of Project IC ‘Can 69,000 people be keyed into the NRD database unnoticed?’ Swipenter: Now please explain how this mass issuing of MyKads could take place for such long periods without the authorities being aware of it and not taking action, whereas the Sabahans knew of it. The report is just eyewash to cover up the dark side of ‘Project IC’. Like all recent royal commission of inquiries (RCIs), this RCI is a farce and a joke. Nobody is going to believe its findings and its conclusions. Now, we should also do a RCI on how millions of migrants can land in the peninsula with ease without the knowledge of the authorities, whereas it is a open secret that foreigners are everywhere, all over Bolehland. Pputeh: Was this supposed to be a royal commission with independent members? How could particulars of 69,000 people be keyed into the National Registration Department (NRD) database with no knowledge from the higher-ups? Surely someone at the NRD had knowledge of this? Yet why did he not report it to his superiors? Think people think. How could this happen? Your guess is as good as mine. CiViC: Its amazing how the RCI cannot be sure if there was indeed a Project IC and said its existence was only probable, but it can be 100 percent sure the government and political parties were not involved. Kit P: Yes, a complete whitewash. Anonymous_39d1: So, is the government going to go after these errant NRD officers? And revoke the citizenships of these migrants? Lim Chong Leong: What a complete farce that even my toes are laughing. How can syndicates get hold of ICs and enter into the national registry the details of the illegal IC holders so that they even become eligible voters? This is not a case of one missing IC turning up as someone elses but a massive fraud. And what happened to all the evidence that was given in the inquiry about Umno men and NRD officers ordered by top leaders to carry out a massive exercise to issue ICs? I dont suppose these top leaders were found to be only syndicate leaders. What a big farce. Dalvik: The question is, if such insidious and hidden organisations for Project IC exist, what are the other things that they did, which is obviously as treasonable as Project IC? Hank Marvin: Not too surprising. First, who appointed the members of the commission? Second, the terms of reference were set to be a whitewash from the very word ‘go’. Abasir: What does it say about a government that does not know anything about anything - citizenship and ICs doled out by the thousands for years, immigration records erased, remand prisoners killed in lockups, millions siphoned off by defenders of the race, court judgments written by ghost writers, judicial appointments transacted over the phone, airplane engines stolen from airbases, mystery aircraft flying across the land with no one having a clue... Ipohcrite: Call me a cynic and a skeptic, but I had already anticipated that somehow the RCI would not finger the government and its ministers as culpable. But reading between the lines, we all know the truth, dont we? Nippon: Do you think that ex-NRD officers have the balls to do this without someone high up backing them? Maplesyrup: Indeed, can something of this magnitude be executed by people of lower level only? Ericlcc: If the government is not involved, then it must definitely be the Philippines’ government who issued these immigrants with Malaysian ICs so that they can travel to and fro between the two countries with ease. What an anti-climax. I wonder what will Sabah politicians say about this comical farce. Middle Path: It’s hard to believe whats been stated here especially that bit about the government and Umno were not involved. Who approved all those ICs without raising suspicion? Mushiro: The purpose of the RCI is to clear the government, political parties and Dr Mahathir Mohamad from Project IC and this, the RCI did. PM Najib Razak didn’t dare release the RCI report in Parliament for it to be debated knowing that he and Umno cannot defend the report. The government has fooled the people again, wasted our time and money and sadly cheated the people of Sabah. Mob1900: RCI has just become another MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission), to clear the ruling regime of any wrongdoing. Oh Ya?: The ruling elite must really think the rakyat, in particular the Sabahans, are stupid. If this is done by the syndicates, presumably those that were named during the RCI proceedings, why were they not investigated and prosecuted but were released after a short detention under the Internal Security Act (ISA)? Why the ruling elite have to keep mum for so long despite constantly been accused of being behind the Project IC? If it is true the ICs and citizenship were obtained illegally and not through the due process of the laws, the ruling elite should take immediate action to root these individuals out, revoke their citizenship and deport them. Hasnt the home minister boasted that Bolehlands citizenship is a priced asset and therefore should be worth more than just a piece of paper? Last but not least, if they do not know the exact number of these illegal voters, how could the attorney-general declare that it has no impact on the election results since PBS was toppled? Clearwater: I am not sure whether to laugh or cry at the RCI findings given the limited scope of its mandate so Ill just consign it to the trash bin. Thana55: Indeed, the reason it took so long to release the findings becomes crystal clear now. Malaytoo: How can we the rakyat have confidence and trust in the government and public institutions when even the royal commission which is supposed to be independent and made up of people with integrity, come up with an inconclusive and seemingly sanitised report like this? Comments: The commission should have in short said they didnt possess the capacity to provide any concrete finding or recommendations. The unusual demography change has not been identified and solution found, which was the basic issue. It’s a waste of energy to read the report. Victor Johan: If the people of Malaysia want the real truth of the matter, kick out the Umno BN regime and revisit the RCI with zeal to uncover and to punish all relevant and related personalities and authorities. Anything else is just hot air and time wasting. Actually, the people of Sabah and Sarawak, and several states can change the regime already through their present parliamentary and state representatives. Spirit of Malaya: Just blame it on the Jews and the case is closed. What a wonderful country we have. Dont worry, the Sabahans will accept the outcome. Gravity: Well Sabahans, the verdict is out. Its everybodys fault except those in power. Retnam: If NRD syndicates did it for money, then they should have given ICs to anyone who can pay, not just people of a particular religion. I am surprised that there are people who are surprised that this report has turned out to be a washout. I mean, who on earth in his right mind will expect the government to implicate itself? -Mkini
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 08:47:05 +0000

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