Thursday, 13th of March. Moorooka, Queensland Australia. I just - TopicsExpress


Thursday, 13th of March. Moorooka, Queensland Australia. I just got off the phone with the author of the news paper article that moved me to action this morning and got some more information. It seems Ms. Park had a student visa, then due to her relationship with her Daughters father had a spouse visa. The couple broke up in 2010, during that time Ms. Park and her in-laws have been fighting to secure her a visa and just when there was hope and light at the end of the tunnel, from what I was told it was the recent change in our government and changes in policy that went from Her having her visa to her now being deported to a life of misery in a country whos culture will not accept neither the Mother being a single parent nor her daughter being Eurasian. If Ms Park reapplies from Korea there is a very strong chance she will never be granted her visa to return to Australia. So if she goes back and with her little girl, what kind of a life will her daughter have? If she leaves her behind the child will feel abandoned and be deeply emotionally affected, either way they both lose. Ms Park has an education! Ms. Park is from what I have been told gainfully employed and paid taxes and her rent, providing shelter and food for Ari. I am sorry but to me she is the idea person to be granted Permanent Residence Status. She has an 8 year history in Australia. Ari was born here my God what else does the government want? Ms Parks mortal soul? I cant in good conscience not be affected by this travesty. I cant believe that our Government wants to cause harm to a Child just starting school, if her mother goes she will be harmed emotionally. If she goes to Korea a country whos culture she knows little about will see her an outcast causing more mental anguish. I know rules are rules but is there not supposed to be compassion in our society? Where is our collective conscience? I thought we would want to protect Children here in Australia? I maybe thought this country was built on a foundation fairness ,moral fortitude and Honour? Where is the Honour in this can anyone tell me? Does a change of politics condemn a child to a life of sadness? if Ari stayed here she would have to travel to Korea to visit her mother and how often would that happen? Her Grandparents life long tax payers. Ari leaving would deny them there Grandchild and to keep that connection they would either have to travel or pay to have Ari accompanied to and from Australia, who really thinks this would be possible more then maybe once a year if that? So again we are left with Ari in the middle who probably cant understand why her world is about to fall apart? Her happy well adjusted life shattered because a Politician want to take a harder stance on immigration? True there where people coming in without passports and no health or police checks and being allowed to walk around on a bridging visa while we the tax payer paid for it. Yes in that instance it was wrong, but surly there is a difference here right? Please for the love of God and country help me, Help this little girl keep her life that she knows and loves. Help her keep her friends, her family and all that is familiar to her. Please I beg you to stand with me and fight to keep this family together. I fight cause I have no family here anymore. You know that happened to my wife and child. I cant fight for them right now but I can stand and help Aris family stay and we can make this right. So much I have seen wrong in my life lately please I just want to see something in the world, this country that together we can help make RIGHT. All of us together can change the the lives of this family and bring them the happiness that I was denied. I believe this is a time when exceptions have to be made, if we dont try what does that make us the people of this land? This time we have to do the right thing to prove we are people who believe in values and justice. Please take to your keyboards and smart phones and email your elected members of parliament let our small stand show the rest of the world that our democracy actual works. One good Mother and worker, law abiding person deserves the right to stay and enrich our culture, raise her child to be an example of the Australian dream. We cant allow Ms. Parks Australian dream to become a nightmare! Ok I hope you can see how much I feel about helping Ms. Park. I also hope that you will all join me! Take Care and God Bless!!!
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 06:51:43 +0000

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