Thursday 1st January, 2015 Aries Just make sure you don’t - TopicsExpress


Thursday 1st January, 2015 Aries Just make sure you don’t start the day by numbing your mind dear Aries and what I mean by this is don’t just throw a bunch of things in your body that you know doesn’t work for your body. A few interesting conversations have you realising how important it is for you to talk less and act more and this is the moment where you make the decisions to simply step up. As the day comes to an end you’ll be so grateful to be where you are. Taurus You can step forward now dear Taurus and you don’t have to look back and you needn’t worry about the past in any way shape or form. The best thing for you right now is to just simply take each moment as it comes and know that the past is done with now. There is something in the air right now and you’ll want to make sure you get out and about and be a part of this something that you can feel out in the air. Gemini So you’ve said your piece and you know what you want and you are not going to back down this time dear Gemini. It’s love that rules your heart and you won’t have it any other way, which is great news and I also want to remind you to be in your gentleness rather than in your forcefulness. When love rules you cannot force anything or try and make things happen just because you think you are ready when your heart is asking you to just be patient. Cancer The immaturity in you has shifted dear Cancer and it seems that you are not willing to just walk away from what is so profound in your life just because of certain thoughts, ideas and behaviours. Something magical takes place in your life today and this is simply due to the decision you make at some point and it’s due to the realisation of appreciation. It feels to me to that today you really step into a deeper appreciation for what is in front of you. Leo Just take it easy and don’t complicate anything with too many plans and ideas dear Leo, allow the day to simply unfold as it does ever so naturally. You don’t need to push anything and you don’t even need to come out of the moment so leave it all be and just notice the moment you are in. A conversation in your day will boggle your mind for a few hours however this is probably a good thing as it’ll give your mind something to do rather than have your mind run your life. Virgo You are committed dear Virgo and you don’t care about the mountains you have to climb along the way. It doesn’t matter to you whether the work you have in front of you is going to be easy or hard, none of these things matter anymore. You have made such a clear decision in your life and this is the decision that has come from your own heart and not from any one else’s influence. As the day comes to an end you’ll find yourself smiling from ear to ear. Libra Just stand up and dust yourself off and move along dear Libra, you don’t need to make any big declarations or announce anything to anyone. You know what matters to you so then go about it in your own way and do your best to just keep it quiet today. A powerful shift towards the end of your day will have you feeling that you have finally touched your own heart in the way that you have forever yearned to do so. Scorpio There is very refreshing news that comes your way today dear Scorpio and you’ll find yourself stepping out of your comfort zone to really allow this news to be settled in. I get the feeling that you are done with a chapter in your life and today you are just looking ahead, you have no interest in what has happened in the past and you don’t care to go over any of it anymore. As the day comes to an end you’ll step into an eye opening conversation. Sagittarius You are stepping up now dear Sagittarius and you already know this, no doubt, no hesitation and it’s full steam ahead from here too. You’ll come across some great news today which will affect your finances in the best of ways and this will be a real great start to your new year. There will be talk of rapid changes taking place and all of this is very exciting for you as you are ready to get yourself out there and experience your world in a whole new way. Capricorn Just don’t look back and never mind who says what, stay in this moment and appreciate where you are right now dear Capricorn. Looking back isn’t going to do anything for you and the sooner you realise this then the sooner you’ll be able to capture the joy that always remains in the here and now of your life. A powerful conversation in your day will have you smiling from ear to ear and have you realising where in your life you had been pretending. Aquarius You can make your move dear Aquarius and let me just remind you of one thing, don’t be so damn stubborn and don’t play these bullshit mind games just because your ego chooses to take offence to certain things. You are bigger than this and you have make sure you act bigger than this and bring consciousness to a space that requires it. Rather than shutting yourself off from the world because your ego says the world isn’t a great place. Pisces You’ll kick the day off with a very solid feeling dear Pisces and this is exciting for you as you are becoming aware of some of the changes that are taking place in your life. It seems that you are able to find the feeling of settling again and this is when you see where you are headed with such clarity. Great news meets you somewhere in your day and this has you feeling the creativity starting to flow through you in a way you haven’t ever experienced before. Much Love, Ghazaleh lowe
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 00:05:45 +0000

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