Thursday 25 December, 2014 RBHW Luke 10 I call it the Radical - TopicsExpress


Thursday 25 December, 2014 RBHW Luke 10 I call it the Radical Chapter of the Bible, hence,my favourite in the entire Bible. Luke 10 is a summary of Christian service. It approaches christian service from the opposite side. It shows the three highly neglected areas in a rather unusual way without having to give you a definite answers but ideas. Its starts with evangelism which is mainly the first place a truly converted christian finds themselves in. This brings a lot of excitement on the new believer as you witness the power of saving grace at work. Demons trembling for you carry the Name the Most High. The sick getting healed, the dead back to life, the most dreadful and notorious criminals accepting the Savior. Come on isnt it amazing,fun and elevating spiritually. What a privilege! Even the partriachs and prophets desired to see these things (vs 24). As the seventy return with competing testimonies I can imagine some even saying, boi, did you see how that crippled man stood another interrupring, awe didnt you see how that drunkard became sober after I preached......... Then they all conclude, ah Its been a wonderful mission. Now here is the radical turn. Instead of Christ commending them for the job well done He produces a rather reprooving statement (Vs20),rejoicenot that the spirits are subject unto you, but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven. Yes that should be our ultimate goal. Though at times were are absorbed in minors and tend to forget our major focus. We put service in Christ as if it were any work for fulfilment of duties with no sense of the spirituality involved there in. Excited about how the Pathfinders, dorcas, church has achieved not asking how many how truly given their lives to God... Quickly with the help of a Lawyer. He turns to the subject of community service. Havent you come to wonder who owns the most orphanages, NGOs fighting AIDS,caring for orphan and widows. These are established by non believers we see. Two prominent religious leaders a priest (pastor) and a levite (elder) negelcting their duty of helping they that suffer misfortune in their lives, instead a samaritan- a type of a stranger to christianity. These non christian based NGOs include UN, Oxfarm, Red cross founded by people out of love for humanity not of Biblical duty or obligation .Beloved how many times have you visited the widows, orphans and the imprisoned? God shall require your answer on Judgemnet day (Mathew 25:31-46). In this case people who have no common ground with Jesus but practice Him have taken our duty and taught the world error when you would have done other wise. For it is said action speaks louder than word. Never be too busy with your Christian posts at church as to forget to take time to visit the suffering in hospitals and other institutions. To wrap it up.Christ visits Martha and Mary. As He enters the house Mary and Martha greet Him, straight away martha goes to the kitchen to prepare food for Him ( in my opinion that was the best way to show hospitality to visitors). Mary remains and sits at Jesus feet listening to His every word. At the kitchen Mary is troubled, the work load becomes to much she needs an extra hand and remembers her sister is sitted in the lounge. She asks, Lord dont You care that my sister has left me here to serve alone? In her mind Jesus will be in support of her. He instead replies,(Vs 41-42) Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things.But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her. Christs ends like that. If you were Martha what would you have done. Now what is our Savior warning against. He is not saying serving Him is a bad thing. Too often we as active and fully involved Christians tend to neglect Prayer and Study of His word. Today we are reminded of the three neglected areas that if not corrected today, your Christianity is a sheer waste of time.Hope you have been Blessed.Amen
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 09:08:06 +0000

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