Thursday, August 21, 2014. Ang 664 • Guru Amar Daas Ji • - TopicsExpress


Thursday, August 21, 2014. Ang 664 • Guru Amar Daas Ji • Raag Dhanaasree. Third Mehl: Gather in and cherish forever the wealth of the Lords Name, deep within; He cherishes and nurtures all beings and creatures. They alone obtain the treasure of Liberation, who are lovingly imbued with, and focused on the Lords Name. ||1|| Serving the Guru, one obtains the wealth of the Lords Name. He is illumined and enlightened within, and he meditates on the Lords Name. ||Pause|| This love for the Lord is like the love of the bride for her husband. God ravishes and enjoys the soul-bride who is adorned with peace and tranquility. No one finds God through egotism. Wandering away from the Primal Lord, the root of all, one wastes his life in vain. ||2|| Tranquility, celestial peace, pleasure and the Word of His Bani come from the Guru. True is that service, which leads one to merge in the Naam. Blessed with the Word of the Shabad, he meditates forever on the Lord, the Beloved. Through the True Name, glorious greatness is obtained. ||3|| The Creator Himself abides throughout the ages. If He casts His Glance of Grace, then we meet Him. Through the Word of Gurbani, the Lord comes to dwell in the mind. O Nanak, God unites with Himself those who are imbued with Truth. ||4||3|| Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 05:09:33 +0000

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