Thursday, August 21st WOD Coach Drills Butt Kicks High - TopicsExpress


Thursday, August 21st WOD Coach Drills Butt Kicks High Knees Bear Crawl Broad Jump squats Mario Jumps Then, After the Last WV Open WOD 14.6, practice your goats: rope climbs, HSPUs, row, double Unders, wall balls, GHD, Handstand walk, muscle ups, etc. WV Open 14.6 12 min AMRAP 10 Wall Ball 20/14# 8 Pull Ups (Open-C2B) 6 pistols – alternating Submissions due by Saturday at 8pm Standards: Wall Ball All males will throw to 10’ target All females will throw to 9’ target Men’s Open, 16-19 & 40-49 use 20# med ball Women’s Open, 16-19 & 40-49 use 14# med ball 13-15 & 50+ males use 14# med ball 13-15 & 50+ females use 10# med ball Movement must start with a full squat Ball must hit target. Missed target is no rep If med ball touches ground before the 10th rep is completed athlete must take a full step away from the ball before resuming reps (no bouncing and catching) Athlete may drop 10th throw as long as the med ball hits the target Pull Ups Open is the only division that must do Chest to Bar Open division must make contact with the bar anywhere from the clavicle down All athletes must start with straight arms at the bottom of the movement. No jumping pull ups. Chin must break the horizontal plane. Not over the bar as stated in the video(allowing for butterfly and again Open will do C2B) Pistols Open, 16-19 & 40-49 must do pistols 13-15 & 50+ will do a full squat and jump over bar (with bumpers) to same rep scheme (6 reps) Pistols must be alternating (3 each leg = 6 reps) Crease of the hip below knee and coming to full hip extension without the raised foot touching the ground at any point, completes 1 rep Athlete may hold any part of the foot as long as the foot never touches the ground or the other leg (no crossing your legs) Leg off of the ground must be in front of athlete’s body (not behind the body…I’ve seen it) If athlete stumbles before locking out, they may continue to fight for hip opening as long as the other foot never touches the ground Athlete MAY hold a weight as a counter balance if they choose Obviously the hands cannot touch the ground or any objects around during the pistol 13-15 & 50+ complete a full squat and jump over a bar any direction they want (lateral or forward) Both feet must leave the ground at the same time and both feet land at the same time If athlete skips over the bar they do not have to do another squat to get that rep, just re-jump to the standard.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 00:42:49 +0000

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