Thursday, January 01, 2015 Two children aged seven and eight - TopicsExpress


Thursday, January 01, 2015 Two children aged seven and eight were suspected of committing rape last year, shocking police figures have revealed. The pair are two of nearly 1,000 children in Greater Manchester suspected of committing crimes in the last three years. But because of their age, they will never be charged or taken to court for their crimes. Their alleged victims were children themselves, the Manchester Evening News reports. One seven-year-old boy was suspected of raping a girl under 13, while an eight-year-old was suspected of raping a girl under 16. In other suspected crimes a nine-year-old girl was accused of having an article with a blade or point in school and a six-year-old boy was suspected of possessing cannabis. There were ten cases of stolen bikes, and 17 arson suspects, according to the data released by GMP under the Freedom of Information Act. Three of those arson cases were recorded as posing a threat to life. Some 88 of the cases were hate crimes with a racial or religious aspect to it, involving 119 child suspects. Ten years old is the age of criminal responsibility in the UK. Children under ten cannot be prosecuted as they are considered to be too young to be held criminally responsible for any wrongdoing. Police admitted crimes committed by children are complex to tackle for the victim and the offender. Detective Superintendent Jon Chadwick said: It can be upsetting for the victims of these crimes because the normal situation of a court case, most of the time, cannot happen. That is why appropriate referral procedures are in place to minimise a childs involvement in criminal activity, provide crime prevention advice, to help them understand the difference between right and wrong and where appropriate, safeguard them. It is always upsetting when very young children are involved in crime and that is why there is a communal responsibility for all agencies to respond, not just to the needs of the victim, but also the offender. A child does not just go out and commit a crime; there are a whole host of influences that can lead to an incident occurring. Det Supt Chadwick said special measures are in place for crimes committed by children. He added: If we identify that the individual suspected of that crime is under the age of 10, and therefore under the age of criminal responsibility, they are dealt with on a case-by-case. Investigations are handled sensitively by specially-trained officers, as there are often a number of complex factors that need to be considered with regard to both the victim and the offender. For instance, we and a number of partner agencies such as social services, local safeguarding boards, youth offending teams work closely with the parents or guardians of that person to address the cause of the offending. Tony Lloyd, police and crime commissioner for Greater Manchester, said children who have committed crimes - however serious - should never be abandoned. Mr Lloyd said: We are all rightly shocked when young children are involved in any criminal behaviour, all the more so when the crimes are serious. But what we cannot do is walk away and abandon those children and the community they live in to more crime and more victims. Our police, youth offending services and the local Council have a significant responsibility to work with the child and their parents or carers to effectively address their behaviour. Its important to make sure both child victims and perpetrators are properly safeguarded during the police investigation and through any court process because children are especially vulnerable. But keeping our children out of trouble in the first place and pulling those children who end up committing crimes away from that lifestyle, relies on much more than the police and the criminal justice system. These shocking figures are a challenge for all of us who have dealings with the young. Its a wake-up call to parents, teachers and the wider community. In the end its all our business. Crime experts say child offenders have often been victims of crime themselves. David Spencer, research director of the Centre for Crime Prevention, said: In cases when children of this age are committing such offences, they have often been the victims of criminal behaviour, neglect, or worse in their home lives. It is right for them to be punished for their actions, but difficult to hold them criminally responsible if they have never been taught right from wrong themselves. In such circumstances, it is in the interests of all parties that the parents are held to account, and punished appropriately, for failing to raise and control their children properly. Criminal activity is always indefensible, but at such young ages, it is morally right for responsibility to lie with the parents. Overall between 2011 and 2014, GMP noted 956 suspects under ten years old in 764 cases committed during those years. In response to our request the force said it was possible that some childrens ages - particularly the very young - may have been recorded inaccurately.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 22:08:59 +0000

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